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Pioneers Diseases And Its Cures.

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1 Pioneers Diseases And Its Cures

2 Burns The most affective cures to treat burns in the 1800’s was to treat the afflicted area with egg white

3 Cholera Cholera is a diarrhea from drinking bad (unclean) water.
patients may die within three hours if medical treatment is not provided. Cholera can be treated with oral rehydration therapy.

4 Snake bite When a person had a snakebite on the Oregon trail,somebody will slice open the bite and sucks the poison out of the person. A snake bite on the ankle.»»

5 Scurvy Scurvy happened when a person had an improper diet. This disease affects their teeth. Scurvy is a disease resulting from a shortage of Vitamin C

6 Head and body lice Head and Body lice was one of the most common disease on the trail. Lice on the hair and body are usually treated with medicated shampoos or cream rinses. Nit combs can be used to remove lice and nits from the hair. Laundering clothes using high heat can eliminate body lice.

7 Malaria Malaria symptoms are chills, sweats, fever, and a bad pain.
Malaria is a disease brought by the mosquitoes. People catch malaria when the parasite enters the blood. A parasite is an organism that lives off of another organism called a host. A parasite takes from the host organism, but does not help it. Instead, it usually harms the host.

8 Dengue fever Dengue fever was also called a “break bone fever”
Most people died because of dengue fever. Dengue is passed to humans by the Aedes Aegypti or more rarely the Aedes Albopictus mosquito , which feed during the day. Two fifths of the world's population are now at risk from dengue and that there may be 50 million cases of dengue infection worldwide every year. This disease is now attacking more than 100 countries. The signs of dengue fever are severe stomachache, Throw-ups, body’s shaking, runny nose, a high fever, and a bad cough.

9 Shigella germ is a type of germ that makes human to have diarrheas»»
On the wagon train, the people who had diarrhea is treated by a spoonful of water in blackberry root that had been boiled. Shigella germ is a type of germ that makes human to have diarrheas»»

10 Common cold A common cold is an unwanted infecting disease.
It affects the respiratory system, like the nose and the throat. There is no medical care to cure the disease. There are drugs that can stop the symptoms, though. The signs of cold is when you have a scratchy throat or a runny nose, congestion, and sneezing. These sometimes are followed by muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headache, weakness, and also lost of appetite. Rhinovirus, a germ that makes people to have common colds, lasts for 3 days in the air, and they made most viruses.

11 Rheumatism Pioneers use skunk grease to cure rheumatism.
Rheumatism or rheumatic disorder is a non-specific term for medical problems affecting the joints and connective tissue.

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