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Chapter 8: Objectives Explain how to use a server in a home or office network Install a server Set up a server Manage and monitor a server Design a server-based.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8: Objectives Explain how to use a server in a home or office network Install a server Set up a server Manage and monitor a server Design a server-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8: Objectives Explain how to use a server in a home or office network Install a server Set up a server Manage and monitor a server Design a server-based office network

2 Using a Server in an Office Network A number of advantages More powerful resource sharing with less delays Enables central management of resources Offers strong security for shared resources Brings better organization to users and resources Manage distributed access of data files and databases More networking tools available than a workstation

3 Activity 8-2: Starting a Computer’s BIOS Setup Program Time Required: 15 minutes Objective: Open the BIOS setup program on a computer. Description: Start the BIOS setup program so that you know where to set the disk boot priority on a computer. If your computer does not display a key combination for the BIOS setup on the first screens presented, you may have to consult the user's manual. Before starting, save any work and shut down your computer.






9 Monitoring Users with the who and finger Commands who command: monitors who is logged in Useful options for who command am i for information about your own session whoami to see what account you are using -H to show column headings -u to show idle time for each user -q for a quick list and total of users logged in -b to verify when the system was last booted finger command: for display of users on a system

10 Network Operating Systems

11 Functions of the NOS Provide network communication Manage network resources Control access Provide internetworking Provide management and end-user utilities

12 Provide Network Communication Network Layer Data Link Layer Peer-to-peer connectivity

13 Server-Centric Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Client 3 logins (3 IDs, Passwords)

14 Network-Centric Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Client 1 login (1 ID, Password)

15 Network-Centric Benefits Easier to manage Easier for end-user Scalable Often logical resource definitions

16 Required Services of Network Operating Systems: Traditional vs. Emerging


18 Novell NetWare 4.x Network-centric NetWare Directory Service (NDS) replaces bindery Object hierarchy Distributed database Configuration information independent of server

19 Netware Directory Services NetWare 4.x contains a global database called the NetWare Directory Service (NDS). Users may now view resources that are available from any servers as though they were being presented by a single source. Services are listed in organized in the database in a hierarchical matter much like the company's organizational chart.

20 NDS Containers

21 NDS Objects

22 NetWare Directory Services Logical object represent real objects Each object stored in database Objects organized hierarchically Objects have properties

23 Rights Inheritance Another powerful feature of NDS is rights inheritance. Inheritance means that rights "flow down" to all containers in the NDS tree. This allows you to grant NDS rights with very few rights assignments. For example, suppose you want to grant management rights to the NDS objects shown below:

24 Rights Inheritance

25 You could make any of the following assignments: If you grant a user rights to Allentown, the user can only manage objects in the Allentown container. If you grant a user rights to East, the user can manage objects in the East, Allentown, and Yorktown containers. If you grant a user rights to YourCo, the user can manage any objects in any of the containers shown.

26 Drive Mapping Client Network Neighborhood NWCLIENT AUTOEXEC.BAT Login script Map command MAP [params] drive: = path ex.: map f: = sys:users MAP MAP /?

27 OSI Layers and NT

28 Trusted Domains Domain A Domain B Domain A Domain B - Single logon - “Assistant” admins - users and groups managed on trusted - trusting manages resources - splitting users can improve performance - many configurations possible trusting trusted



31 Win2000 Version Standard Edition4 4G “ The mainstream business server” Advanced Server8 8G “ A more powerful mid-range server” Data Center Server16 32G “ The most powerful and functional server” Processors Memory

32 Figure 7-17 UNIX, TCP/IP, and NFS as a Network Operating System

33 UNIX File System The UNIX file system enables support for multiple file systems on the same disk by dividing the disk into multiples slices (partitions). Each disk has a single root. File systems in both NetWare and Windows NT follow this model.

34 Figure 7-19 UNIX File System

35 Global vs. Domain Directory Services Global directory services (NetWare’s NDS) organize all network and user resource data into a single hierarchical database. This provides a single point of user and resource management. It may be distributed and replicated; all servers can see all parts of the hierarchy. Domain directory services (Windows NT Server) see the network as a series of linked subdivisions known as domains. Domain delivery services associate network users and resources with a primary server (PDC); each domain’s directory must be individually established and maintained.

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