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When Mikhail Gorbachev became

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Presentation on theme: "When Mikhail Gorbachev became"— Presentation transcript:

1 When Mikhail Gorbachev became
the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985, life in the Soviet Union began to change.

2 Gorbachev wanted change.
He wanted to reform Soviet society.

3 Gorbachev implemented a new policy known as Glasnost or “Openness”.

4 Under Glasnost, freedom of speech and press were encouraged. This was
unheard of in Stalin’s time.

5 Gorbachev also wanted to make the Soviet economy more efficient.

6 Under Gorbachev’s Perestroika,
economic restructuring occurred. Citizens were able to set up their own businesses.

7 Greater efficiency was encouraged in factories as workers were
rewarded for increased output.

8 Gorbachev also abandoned Brezhnev’s, a former Soviet
leader’s, policy that the Soviet Union had the right to interfere in satellite countries.

9 Gorbachev’s policies of Glasnost
and Perestroika produced many changes.

10 Poland, a former Soviet satellite, elected a non-communist
government in 1989 led by Solidarity and Lech Walesa.

11 In 1990, the Berlin Wall was torn down.

12 Russia, Ukraine, and other
republics declared independence.

13 With all of these changes, the
Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

14 Of course, without a Soviet Union,
the Cold War ended.

15 While the collapse of the Soviet Union brought many
positive changes, problems also arose.

16 Transitioning to a free market
economy has been difficult. Unemployment and crime have increased.

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