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Domain Eukarya Kingdom Animalia Phylum Mollusca (or soft-bodied)

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Presentation on theme: "Domain Eukarya Kingdom Animalia Phylum Mollusca (or soft-bodied)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Domain Eukarya Kingdom Animalia Phylum Mollusca (or soft-bodied)

2 Phylum Mollusca Characteristics
*Soft-bodied invertebrate covered with protective mantle that may or may not form a hard, calcium carbonate shell *Second largest animal phylum. Largest Marine phylum *Have a muscular foot for movement which can be modified into tentacles *Complete, one-way digestive tract with a mouth & anus *Cephalization - have a distinct head with sense organs & brain *Have a scraping, mouth-like structure called a radula* *Go through free-swimming larval stage called trochophore

3 radula


5 Eastern mudsnail (Ilyanassa obsolete) or Common periwinkle (Littorina littorea) observation and experimentation Get to know your subject: Diagram and label snail using the laptop or textbook as guide Make at least five behavioral observations State two differences among individuals in your group Experiment: Create an experiment to learn something about snails in general. On a piece of butcher paper you will write up your findings. Include: Purpose (1 sentence) Hypothesis (1 sentence) Data (table and graph) Conclusion (one paragraph. State WHY data is as it is)


7 Class 1 of 3: Bivalves (or 2 doors) most abundant phyla They include: clams oysters mussels

8 characteristics: Byssal threads with cement Chemoreceptor tentacles Light detection cells


10 Class 2 of 3: Gastropods (or stomach-foot) They include: nudibranchs (or naked gills) snails limpets chiton



13 Why so bright?



16 Snail egg in leg Killer cone snail Snail zombies

17 Class 3 of 3: cephalopods (or head-foot) They include: Nautilus Squid octopus cuttlefish



20 Mollusca

21 Intelligent, in their own way
Camouflage video Chromatophores video Octopuses are smart and squishy Octopus sneaks back to sea Dumbo octopus: really cute Vampire squid: weird


23 Squid Anatomy (male) squid dissection

24 colossal squid dissection interactive

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