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CANADIAN HEMLOCK Nicole Woods 10.28.14 Period 4. COMMON/LATIN NAME  Tsuga Canadensis  More commonly referred to as Canadian Hemlock  Eastern Hemlock.

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Presentation on theme: "CANADIAN HEMLOCK Nicole Woods 10.28.14 Period 4. COMMON/LATIN NAME  Tsuga Canadensis  More commonly referred to as Canadian Hemlock  Eastern Hemlock."— Presentation transcript:

1 CANADIAN HEMLOCK Nicole Woods 10.28.14 Period 4

2 COMMON/LATIN NAME  Tsuga Canadensis  More commonly referred to as Canadian Hemlock  Eastern Hemlock

3 HARDINESS/TYPE  It thrives from zones 3-7  Needled Evergreen  Pinaceae Family

4 GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN  Originates from the French speaking regions of Canada  Also Eastern North America

5 FEATURES &REQUIREMENTS  40/70 tall – 25/35 spread  Tolerates heavy shade ; prefers part –full shade  Requires Medium/Moderate watering  Medium moisture  Well drained soils  Best sited in sheltered locations  Can tolerate full sun in Northern climates

6 CTD.  Not drought tolerant  Dislikes hot and humid climates  Can’t handle climates above 95 degrees Fahrenheit  Acidic soil  Wind protected

7 MAINTENANCE  Generally a very low maintenance plant  Pruning is optional  Water thoroughly throughout dry spells  Requires thick mulch in the winter

8 NOTEWORTHY CHARACTERISTICS  Member of the pine family  Native to moist wooded areas  Noted for having the smallest needles and cones in the genus ( 9/16”) long  Needles are also singly borne  Flat sprays of lacy evergreen foliage  Short dark green needles with two white bands beneath  State tree of Pennsylvania  Tsuga is derived from the Japanese name for trees in this genus

9 PESTS AND PROBLEMS  Some problems include  Needle blight Canker, Rusts Rots

10  Hemlock Woolly Adelgid bagworms, Borers leaf miners saw fly spider mites



13 LANDSCAPE USES  Typical uses are as a specimen plant and a hedge  Also used as a privacy screen  Avid shade provider

14 REFERENCES  Details.aspx?taxonid=285010&isprofile=1&adv=canadian%20hemloc k Details.aspx?taxonid=285010&isprofile=1&adv=canadian%20hemloc k 

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