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CSEPs NDM Reconciliation. Assuming opening read of zero.

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Presentation on theme: "CSEPs NDM Reconciliation. Assuming opening read of zero."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSEPs NDM Reconciliation

2 Assuming opening read of zero

3 No shipper transfer Missing historic opening read Actual read gained X Period APeriod B Assume read of zero Can calculate consumption from zero to read X Period A billed 100 units. (Read X – opening read zero) shows 170 units used. IGT submits revised volume 170 units. Difference of 70 units reconciled for period A.

4 Shipper transfer – pro-rata by AQ Missing historic opening read Actual read gained X Period A Period B Assume read of zero Shipper transfer Period C Can calculate consumption from zero to read X Need to pro-rata between two shippers Period A billed 80 units; Period B billed 20 units. (Read X – opening read zero) shows 170 units used in total across A and B. Actual volume 170 units to be pro-rated by IGT, based on AQ values for periods. IGT should submit revised volume of 170 units; 80:20 = 136 units for A and 34 units for B.

5 Shipper transfer – estimate transfer by AQ Missing historic opening read Actual read gained X Period A Period B Shipper transfer Period C Assume opening read of zero; use AQ to estimate read for date Y (giving neutral rec for period A). Use estimate read Y and actual read X to reconcile period B (likely to give non-neutral rec). Y Period A billed 80 units; Period B billed 20 units. Estimate read Y based on AQ (from opening read zero), revised volume for period A still 80 units. IGT submits revised volume for period A of 80 units – neutral rec. If (actual read X – assumed read zero) = 170 units, (actual read X – est read Y) gives 90 units. IGT submits revised volume for period B of 90 units – difference of 70 units reconciled. Assume read of zero

6 Shipper transfer – flat profile Missing historic opening read Actual read gained X Period A Period B Assume read of zero Shipper transfer Period C Can calculate consumption from zero to read X Need to pro-rata between two shippers Period A 70 days; Period B 30 days. (Read X – opening read zero) shows 170 units used in total across A and B. IGT pro-rata revised volume of 170 units 70:30 across periods A and B. IGT submits revised volumes of 119 units for period A; 51 units for period B.

7 Not using opening read of zero With reference to an agreed cut-off date Y

8 Calculate an estimated read for agreed date Y, based on known read Missing historic opening read Actual read gained X Period A Period B Agreed date Period C Work back from actual read X; use AQ to estimate read for date Y (giving neutral rec for period B). Use AQ to estimate consumption for period A (giving neutral rec for period A). Same net effect as full neutral rec up to latest read X. Y

9 Estimate volume for full rec period up to first known read, where rec begins pre date Y Missing historic opening read Actual read gained X Period APeriod B As missing opening read is before agreed date Y, either - Work back from actual read X and use the AQ to estimate missing opening read; or - Use AQ to estimate overall consumption for period A (Should result in same outcome – neutral rec.) Agreed date Y

10 Close out all rec periods up to agreed date Y, create new rec period from Y Missing historic opening read Actual read gained X Period A Period B Agreed date Period C Period A closed out and not reconciled (equivalent of exact neutral rec). To reconcile period B will require a start read for date Y. Working back from actual read X, use AQ to estimate read for date Y (giving neutral rec for period B). Same net effect as neutral rec up to latest read X, ie closing out full period. Y

11 Close out all rec periods starting pre agreed date Y Missing historic opening read Actual read gained X Period A Agreed date Period B As period A starts before agreed date Y, whole period up to first known read X is closed out and not reconciled (equivalent of exact neutral rec). Y

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