1962 First CMM DEA (Italy) Ahmed CHERIF CERN Metrology lab. CLIC TECHNICAL COMMITTEE – 03.05.2011 EDMS : EDMS : 1146912.

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Presentation on theme: "1962 First CMM DEA (Italy) Ahmed CHERIF CERN Metrology lab. CLIC TECHNICAL COMMITTEE – 03.05.2011 EDMS : EDMS : 1146912."— Presentation transcript:

1 1962 First CMM DEA (Italy) Ahmed CHERIF CERN Metrology lab. CLIC TECHNICAL COMMITTEE – 03.05.2011 EDMS : EDMS : 1146912

2  Overview of CMMs of the CERN Metrology lab.  Today and future needs  How to deal with a large capacity measurement  Example of DB girders  Metrology of CLIC Modules: open questions  Available long stroke machine on the market  Adapted environment to be set up for large CMM  Proposed solutions  Figures (budget and schedule)  Open discussion 03.05.2011 2 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

3 A. CHERIF 22 March 2011 3 Accuracy : ± 3 um Accuracy : ± 3 um (+) Accuracy : ± 0.3 +L/1000 um


5  The present means are not in line with present and future CLIC requirements (for large capacity and high precision) 03.05.2011 5 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

6  Measurement not feasible  Measure with other means (less precise)  Measured from two measuring stations with an overlap and merging of the results  Measure with long probes and stylus to broaden measurement volume 03.05.2011 6 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM 1 St measurement2 nd measurementOverlap

7 21/03/2011 7 Support points are outside the machine table. Housing of the machine have been removed for the measurement Both extremities of the girder are outside the measuring volume Courtesy of Dominique PUGNAT EN/MME-MM

8 03.05.2011 8 360 mm Sphericity Error (typical) : 0.005 mm Sphericity Error (typical) : 0.005 mm With the used configuration : 0.012 mm. With the used configuration : 0.012 mm. Huge number of probes : 20 probes were necessary Huge number of probes : 20 probes were necessary Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

9 03.05.2011Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM 9 The LAB Test Modules layout Current 2 Test Modules Type 0 installation (B169) Concrete blocks for stretching devices Cradle system DB MB DB MB Courtesy of Anastasiya Solodko /BE-RF

10  Final dimension of the CLIC Module  Characteristics to be measured  Required accuracy  Accessibility of the features to be measured 03.05.2011 10 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM New CMM mandatory to be defined as a function of :

11 11

12 03.05.201112Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM From MPE E [um]= ± 2.3 + L/400 to MPE E = ±7 + 7 L/1000 Accuracy: Measuring range : From 2 m up to 10 m For 2 m : ±7.3 [um] For 4 m : ± 17.5 [um] For 6 m : ± 49 [um] For 10 m : ± 77 [um] Different types of machines available depending on required measuring range and accuracy

13  Technical criteria  Overall dimensions of the parts to be measured  Features to be measured  Needed accuracy  Number of components to measure  Measuring time to be minimized?  Weight of the module  Environment to be provided  Complementarity with BE/ABP-SU  Are other CLIC experiments or detector applications interested in such machine? 03.05.2011 13 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

14  Temperature stability  Size of the laboratory (Height = vertical T gradient)  Machine weight  Admissible load on the ground  Civil-engineering?  Handling devices  Vibration stability  … 03.05.2011 14 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

15 The accuracy is linked to the measuring volume: Option A: Machine capacity : 2.4 metres Accuracy : 5 to 10 micrometres Minimum surface of the laboratory: 50 to 70 m 2, 3.8 m height, service temperature of 20 °C ± 1 K. Option B: Machine capacity : 4 metres Accuracy : 15 to 20 micrometres Minimum surface of the laboratory : 80 to 100 m 2, 5 m height, service temperature of 20 °C ± 1 K. 03.05.2011Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM 15

16 03.05.2011Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM16 Budget Schedule

17  Questions and/or Comments are welcome  Decision ? 03.05.2011Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM 17

18 03.05.2011Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM 18

19 03.05.2011Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM19

20 03.05.2011 20 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

21 03.05.2011Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM 21

22 03.05.2011 22 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

23 03.05.2011 23 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

24 03.05.2011 24 Ahmed CHERIF EN/MME-MM

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