Happy Monday! Motivation Monday :). Baptized for a Mission Chapter 6: The Mission of Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Monday! Motivation Monday :). Baptized for a Mission Chapter 6: The Mission of Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Monday! Motivation Monday :)

2 Baptized for a Mission Chapter 6: The Mission of Jesus

3 Words to Know Christ—the anointed one; Messiah John the Baptist—relative of Jesus who prepared the way for him by preaching repentance and baptizing King—one who has the greatest power and authority Priest—one who represents the people in offering sacrifice to God Prophet—one who hears God’s word and proclaims it

4 Last time… We discussed the Infancy Narratives Where did they leave off? Now we will begin following Jesus as he starts his mission as o Priest o Prophet o King

5 Who prepared the people of Palestine for Jesus? John the Baptist! o See Luke 1:57-66 o We read about his birth because of his special role in salvation history

6 Discuss… How was the birth of John announced? What happened to Zechariah? How was John named? What did Zechariah do after John was born? How was John’s birth similar to Jesus’ birth?

7 See Matthew 3:13-17 Why did John first refuse to baptize Jesus?

8 Exit Tweet Why was it important for Jesus to be baptized?

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