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Solar and space physics datasets within a Virtual Observatory: the AstroGrid experience Silvia Dalla * and Nicholas A Walton  * School of Physics & Astronomy,

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Presentation on theme: "Solar and space physics datasets within a Virtual Observatory: the AstroGrid experience Silvia Dalla * and Nicholas A Walton  * School of Physics & Astronomy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar and space physics datasets within a Virtual Observatory: the AstroGrid experience Silvia Dalla * and Nicholas A Walton  * School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK  Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, UK A PPARC funded project

2 What is AstroGrid?  A PPARC funded project to develop a Virtual Observatory for the UK  One of the main partners in Euro-VO  Founding member of IVOA (=International Virtual Observatory Alliance, Definition of standards. Interoperability.  Both night time astronomy and solar/STP components

3 AstroGrid components  Portal  Registry – Lists available resources (datasets, applications…). Harvests registries of other VOs.  MySpace – Virtual distributed storage of user files  Common Execution Architecture (CEA) - Models how an application is run in the VO. An application is any process that consumes or produces data.  Job Execution Service (JES)

4 Workflow  Allows a user to query datasets, call tools and applications, from a single programming environment.  Data remotely located at data centers. Applications running on distributed servers.  Queries to multiple datasets can be brought together in a single workflow. Allows processing of a large number of ‘events’.  Workflows submitted for remote execution. Results collected in a user’s MySpace.

5 Solar developments  Datasets accessible are SURF TRACE archive at MSSL, SOHO/CDS and SOHO/EIT files at the Virtual Solar Observatory.  Solar application Solar Movie Maker developed.  Solar Event Catalogue part of EGSO accessible from workflow.

6 Solar science case  Obtain VOTable of solar energetic events via query to EGSO/SEC.  For each event in list, query TRACE or EIT datasets.  Call the movie maker application & generate mpeg movie.

7 Demo  Demo : Portal Demo : Portal

8 Further info & contact  

9 AstroGrid portal

10 Locating resources  The databases, applications, and other resources available are listed in the AG Registry

11 Building queries  Queries to databases are formulated in ADQL (extension of SQL).  Query builder is provided in the portal

12 Building a workflow  Queries to databases, calls to applications, operations on data, are combined into workflows.  Workflow submitted for remote execution.

13 Job Monitor  Monitor job execution  Provide transcript of workflow execution

14 AG Science Services  In addition to release allowing users to develop own workflow.  Launched via a simple interface, requiring just a few input parameters.  Currently: Solar Movie Maker and Redshift Maker.  Solar Movie Maker: either specify a time range and solar instrument, or an ‘event’ via query to EGSO Solar Event Catalogue.  Monitor job execution and download to local machine from AG portal.

15 AG Science Services

16 Future plans  Complete installation of AstroGrid datacentre software at RAL (UKSSDC + solar archive).  Include other main STP datasets. Time series applications. Models.  New STP science cases.  STP science service?  Hands-on AstroGrid Wokshop

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