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Chapter 1 A New World to Explore 1492-1682 “The Discovery of America”

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1 Chapter 1 A New World to Explore 1492-1682 “The Discovery of America”

2 Recap for Quiz # 1 and 2 1. Renaissance 2. Amerigo Vespucci 3. Movable-type printing press 4. Martin Luther 5. Ferdinand and Isabella 6. The Protestant Reformation 7. Vasco De Gama 8. Lief Ericson 9. Prince Henry the Navigator 10. Marco Polo 1. Huguenots 2. St. Augustine, Florida 3. The Defeat of the Spanish Armada 4. Robert Cavalier de la Salle 5. Ferdinand Magellan 6. Francisco Pizarro 7. Jacques Cartier 8. Hernando Cortes 9. Samuel de Champlain 10. Vasco de Balboa

3 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” Highlights  English Exploration and Settlement  Jamestown  Failure of Socialism and benefits for Free Enterprise  Pilgrims and Plymouth  Representative Government  Religious Freedom

4 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” John Cabot p. 22 John Cabot became the first modern European explorer to set foot on the mainland of North America.

5 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” Francis Drake p. 22 Francis Drake was the first Englishman to sail around the world.

6 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” Virginia Dare p. 23 The first English child born in America.

7 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” Jamestown p. 24 Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the New World in 1607.

8 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” The Common-Store System Failure p. 24 Some worked hard to contribute to the storehouse, but others had no initiative. With everyone benefitting from the storehouse but only a few contributing to it, the food supply was quickly depleted.

9 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” John Rolfe p. 25 John Rolfe introduced the tabacco crop to the colonists.

10 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” Free Enterprise p. 25 Free Enterprise means that the government leaves individuals free to own business and make a living dependent on their own initiative.

11 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” House of Burgesses House of Burgesses p. 26 House of Burgesses was the name of the representative assembly in Jamestown that acted as an advisory body to the governor of the colony of Virginia and assisted him in making laws.

12 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” John Robinson p. 27 Pastor John Robinson led his congregation of Separatists from England to Holland to escape persecution and to gain religious freedom.

13 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” The Mayflower Compact The Mayflower Compact p. 28 The Mayflower Compact a document the Pilgrim leaders write which set a precedent for representative government.

14 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” Jamestown and Plymouth

15 Chapter 2: The First English Colonies 1576-1620 “Jamestown and Plymouth” Seatwork: Read p. 33-36 to other New England colonies. Answer p. 36, check up # 1- Homework: Read p. 36-38, answer p. 38; Check up # 1-7 Study for Quiz # 1 covering p. 4-10 and Quiz # 2 p. 12-18 on 8/29 Current Event Groups # 1-2 due 9/3

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