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Submitted by: Anna Mikhaela R. David

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Presentation on theme: "Submitted by: Anna Mikhaela R. David"— Presentation transcript:

1 Submitted by: Anna Mikhaela R. David
Biomes and Climates I Submitted by: Anna Mikhaela R. David

2 What is a biome? Major regional group Communities at steady stable state Terrestrial and aquatic biomes Often given local names

3 Latitude classifications
Major climate influencing factor Correlation between distribution of climates with latitude Humidity Biodiversity increases away from the poles towards the equator.

4 Latitude classification
Arctic or subarctic area Humid type: Tundra Subarctic and boreal area Humid type: taiga or boreal forests Temperate cold Humid type: temperate broad leaf and mixed forests and Temperate coniferous forest.

5 Temperate warm or sub-tropical
Humid: subtropical moist broad leaf forest Semi-humid: tropic and subtropical dry broadleaf forests

6 Humid area: tropical rain forests
Semi humid area: tropical coniferous forests Semi-arid area: tropical grasslands and savannas Arid area: deserts and shrublands

7 Climate zones and biomes
Major factors that influence climate Same type of climate zone can be found in similar latitudes and in similar positions. Continental climates Southern hemisphere

8 Köppen classification system
Based on temperature, the amount of precipitation, and time of the year when precipitation occurs. Köppen climate classification


10 Influence of convection cells

11 Formation of specialized biomes
Rain shadow effect Dry area Mountainous area blocks the passage of rain



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