Resource Allocation  Men, Material, Money are three resources required for any activity.  If shortage of resources the activity cannot be completed in.

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1 Resource Allocation  Men, Material, Money are three resources required for any activity.  If shortage of resources the activity cannot be completed in time  Project mgr has to come across resource constraints Hence the job of project mgr is to plan and allocate resources for different activities so that resource utilization is optimized. 1

2 Two situations  Resource Leveling – analysis aims at stabilization of rate of resource utilization by various activities at different times without changing the project duration. Resources are constraints while time is in plenty.  Resource Smoothing (Loading)- analysis aims to reduce peak demand for resources and reallocating among activities of a project in a manner so that the total project duration remains shortest. Time is constraint but resources are not the constraints. Period of max. demand for resources are identified and non critical activities are staggered by re scheduling them according to the floats for balancing resource requirements 2

3 Bar Chart or Gantt Chart  It requires list of activities & estimated time of completion of individual activity.  Pictorial devices in which activities are represented by horizontal bars on the ‘ time axis’

4 S- chart  Display of cumulative costs, labour hours or other quantities plotted against time.  Indicator and its used for many applications such as target, baseline, cost, time

5 Draw the resource loading chart and gantt chart. What is the peak requirement of the resource and on which day it occurs. Q6b-2007 ActivityPreceding Activity Duration (Days)Total Manpower required A-360 B-484 CA222 DA336 EB672 FD,E318 GC535 HF642 IG,H756 5

6 A project consists of 9 activities for which data is given below. Draw the resource loading chart for the project. What is the maximum requirement of the cash and on which day it occurs Q7(b)-2008 ActivityImmediate Predecessor Duration (Days)Total cash flow required for the activity (Rs. Lakhs) A-525 B-530 CA1040 DB728 EA612 FC,D824 GC,D615 HE,F510 IG412 6

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