Ross Johnson Ben Simpson Alex Pistner Doug BeCraft.

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Presentation on theme: "Ross Johnson Ben Simpson Alex Pistner Doug BeCraft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ross Johnson Ben Simpson Alex Pistner Doug BeCraft

2 Customer Identification Corporate National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Agency of the United States government responsible for the nation’s public space program, est. July 29 th, 1958 by the National Aeronautics and Space Act. Responsible for long-term civilian and military aerospace research. Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc. Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc. is a leading supplier of complex visible, infrared, and polarimetric systems used in sensing, imaging, tracking, and detection applications. Local Marshall Space Flight Center. Huntsville, Alabama Original NASA location. Lead NASA center for propulsion, Space Shuttle propulsion, Shuttle external fuel tank, crew training and payloads, International Space Station design and construction, for computers, networks, and information management. Tactical Dr. Kenneth R. Fernandez Obtained Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in 1988. Has worked for NASA for thirty years in various projects including the Mars exploration project. Dr. George E. Cook Prof Electrical Engineer, Emeritus, Assoc. Dean for Research & Graduate Studies Russ Longhurst Mechanical Engineer Ph.D. student, Vanderbilt University Rich Edmondson Senior Software Engineer for Polaris Sensor Technologies, Inc.

3 History and Overview The MARCbot (Multi-function, agile, remote controlled robot) is a vehicle currently being employed by the U.S. Army in a “bomb sniffing” capacity in hostile territory. NASA hopes to employ networked MARCbots on the moon to assist astronauts in exploration within the next ten years.

4 Overview The main goal of this project is to utilize 3d imaging technology in the ROBOSIM environment and to increase the functionality of ROBOSIM by allowing the use of a hand held USB controller.

5 Needs & Wants Needs Wants Add second eye point in ROBOSIM for a 1 st and 3 rd person views Use Polaris hardware for 3d viewing Add USB interface for Xbox 360 controller into ROBOSIM Increase realism in robot movement in the simulation. Rotating and turning wheels on the MARCbot simulation. Automatic camera positioning function Automatic return capability Allow for multiple MARCbots to be controlled in the simulation

6 Controller Comparison Old Controller New Controller

7 3d Viewing

8 Gantt Chart

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