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Amir Bishara and Dorin Danial Supervisors: Roiy Zysman Dr. Ilana David.

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Presentation on theme: "Amir Bishara and Dorin Danial Supervisors: Roiy Zysman Dr. Ilana David."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amir Bishara and Dorin Danial Supervisors: Roiy Zysman Dr. Ilana David

2  Goals  Background and Motivation  Development stages  Design  Layers classes  Backup modules  Console Application  Testing  We Learned  Accomplishments  Improvements

3  Web2.0 services are widely used to store data.  The services may experience downtimes, accounts may be hacked or data is simply deleted. This creates a need for backup.

4 1. Defining project goals. 2. Defining the system requirements. 3. Writing use cases. 4. Defining classes and class diagrams. 5. Drawing UML diagrams. 6. Implementing the system. 7. Testing.

5  To create a simple, automatic, multi-service backup web application.  Design the system with the ability to add more services in the future without changing it.

6  Registering new users.  Email confirmation.  Password encryption.  Login user to the system.  Forgotten password: Send email. Secret question and answer.  Updating user’s information.  Password confirmation.  Support admin user  Deleting users.  User search.  Change users details.  Showing statistics.  Adding a new service.  Backing up different services:  RSS, username-password based.  Displaying the backed up and trashed data.  Automatic update.  Stop automatic update.  Allow manual update.  Automatic database maintenance  Trash can.  Deletion of unconfirmed users  Manage user’s allowed disk quota.  Adding support for additional service types as plug-in.


8  Separation to layers forms  Modularity The ability to change an implementation of a layer without effecting the other layers Easier maintainability reuse  Better control of the system  Separate responsibilities  Interface is needed to implement the plug-in mechanism

9  Database  Tables with relationships that save all the data.  Data Access Layer  Is used to transfer data between the BL layer and the Database.  Business Logic Layer  Performs all the logic operations of the system.  Graphical User Interface  Is used for user – system communication.


11  Users  Contains users and their personal details  ServiceTypes  Supported services and their types  URL  Backed up accounts and URLs  Related to Users through user_id ServiceTypes through service_id  DATA  The backed up data  Related to Users through user_id ServiceTypes through service_id URL through url_id


13  Automatically generated by sqlmetal as partial classes  Use special syntax  Interface function to BLL were written in a different file  Table relations are mapped to class relations using the XML mapping file (also generated by sqlmetal)  Access to database using Database class only  Connection class used for easier connection and code reuse


15  User  Represents a user in the system.  Implements all user-related functions.  Is the connection to the Users class in the DAL.  Admin  Implements admin-related functions.  Database_BL  Is the connection to the URL, DATA, ServiceTypes classes in the DAL.  Could also be implemented in three separate classes.

16  Aspx pages contain.NET components (buttons, textfields, etc.) which activate an event.  The events call methods from the code- behind files.  All code is run on the server, returning only HTML code to the user’s browser.


18  Are separated from the BLL to enable adding support for additional services without changing the system.  Backup interface  Between the system and 3 rd party developers  Backup classes  Each class does a backup for a specific service type.  Developed independently of the system.  BackUpManager  Handles the backups and updates Calls the backup classes Retrieves data from the database (using BLL) Performs trash can actions

19 ServiceInfo Account details needed for the 3 rd party developrs. Update Functions for the 3 rd party developers to save the information and additional data needed for the system UpdateInfo 3 rd party developrers fill this informatin BackUpClass Implemented (inherited) by the 3 rd party developers.

20  UpdateInfo  The information that the backup class saves in the system  Update  Contains the additional necessary information to store the update in the Data table (user_id, service_id, url_id)  Service functions to the backup class SaveUpdate – stores update in the database GetLastUpdate – returns last update of the account MakeLastFalse – changes lastupdate field in the table  ServiceInfo  Contains the information needed by the backup class (URL, Username, Password)  Also containes Update class  Is sent to the backup class in the constructor  Backup class  Abstract  Does the backup  Two methods CheckDetails – check if account details are correct GetDataFromService – backs up the data


22  Connect to the remote service for backup  Are placed and loaded from a pre-defined folder  RSS  Backs up RSS services  Relies of RSS format for backup  Gmail  Backs up Gmail email account  Connects using POP3 protocol and SSL

23  Loads and calls the backup classes  Only class that handles backup and backed up information  Retrieves and deletes updates from the database  Is used by the console application for the updates

24  Jobs:  Automatic update.  Trash can.

25  Is scheduled to run in a desired frequency.  In each iteration  Actions are preformed on a constant number of users.  Services updates are made.  Deletes users that haven’t been confirmed within a week.  Deletes services and data that have been in trash can for a week.  Log files are created.  It goes over the user list of the database in a cyclic way.

26  3 rd party developers  Download BackUpInterface.dll  Implement class  Create.dll for the class  Download website page template  Change template according to need  Send dll and webpage files  webSave admin  Place backup dll file in dll folder  Place webpage file in webpage folder  Login to website and add new service type

27  Can be done automatically using testing projects  Not suitable with void-returning functions  Was done manually

28  Designing and developing a large software system  Object Oriented Programming  Web application and the layers separation  Working with  the.NET framework and Visual Studio C# LINQ  Relational databases  XML

29  All project requirements were met  Two service types were developed  Project book and user manual were written

30  Change database tables to support more users  Better, more service specific, back up classes using service API.  Better GUI.

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