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College Success Study Skills + Technology Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "College Success Study Skills + Technology Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Success Study Skills + Technology Skills

2 z Agenda  Why?  Clicker demo/Audience survey  Learning management systems & other university technologies  Productivity Suites & basic software  Collaboration Tools  Web-based tools & open software  Scaffolding technology use  Universal Design for learning  Making it personal to YOUR class

3 z Why?  College Expectations  Non-developmental Education Courses  Level playing fields  Equal access  Non-traditional students  Prepare students for project-based work  21 st Century Skills 21 st Century Skills  Employer needs  Global economy  Engage today’s learner  Support teaching & learning  Differentiation Differentiation

4 z Clickers Synonyms  Audience Response Systems  Student Response Systems Purpose  Engage students  Collect demographics  Formative assessment  Solicit opinions  Exam Review  Build Confidence

5 z Channel 41  On your clicker, hit:  Go  41  Go  If your light flashes green, you should be good to go!

6 z I currently design my courses to differentiate… A. For or cover all learning styles B. To include multiple intelligences C. For various cognitive levels of thinking (Bloom’s) D. Personal interests E. Personal learning goals F. None of the above G. All of the above

7 z I believe embedding technology into my courses A. Is the only way to teach B. Is an awesome idea & I’m ready to get started C. sounds great, but I have no idea where to start D. Is probably pointless, but I’m trying to keep an open mind E. Is ridiculous. I’m here because I am being forced to sit here and listen to this @#!$%.

8 z I fear embedding technology into my course, because I’m not good enough at it to help my students. A. True B. False

9 z If you have a LMS, do you use your learning management system A. as a repository B. For digital submissions C. to host online courses D. to extend student discussion & collaboration E. All of the above! F. don’t utilize G. don’t have access to a LMS.

10 z Bb9 Features & Basic Knowledge Basic Knowledge  Login  Basic Navigation  Digital submissions  Time/Date stamp  View Tracking  Downloads  Email  Grade Center Features  Discussion boards  Groups  Wikis & Blogs  My Scholar  Clicker registration  Digital testing  Safe Assign  Digital Classroom

11 z Build in Textbook Tools

12 z Differentiate Learning

13 z Metacognition & Blogs

14 z We cover these university technologies: A. Campus email & forwarding B. Online Registration C. Digital catalogs D. Library catalogs/searches and RefWorks E. Degree Audit Reports F. Other… G. None H. Many of these

15 z In my course, students have the opportunity to use the following programs in Microsoft Office: A. Word B. Excel C. Access D. PowerPoint E. OneNote or SharePoint F. Outlook G. None of the above H. Two or more of the above I. All of the above

16 z A great way to see if what you picked out as being import is also what the instructor picked out! Three-Column Notes

17 z Visual Maps

18 z Creative PPT Projects

19 z We collaborate regularly using digital tools such as… A. Skype B. Wikis & blogs C. Google docs, groups, sites & calendar Google docs D. Dimdim E. VoiceThread VoiceThread F. Diigo G. LinkedIn, Ning, & other social networking sites LinkedIn H. Multiple digital tools I. Huh?

20 z Time Management

21 z I make my students aware of free tools such as… A. Prezi B. Open Office Open Office C. Webspiration Webspiration D. Bibme Bibme E. Audacity Audacity F. Animoto Animoto G. Weebly or Wix Weebly H. PBWorks

22 z Wikipedia… A. Is NOT allowed! Period. Ever. (Its EVIL!) B. Can be a great place to start research C. Is used regularly for research D. Is not for research, but for writing E. We don’t really use it, but address the pros and cons

23 z I know where to find “how-to” info/tutorials to guide my students when they need extra help. A. True B. False

24 z Embedding Tech Tutorials

25 z YouTube &

26 z I know and understand UDL and have designed my course to include universal design principles. A. True B. False

27 z Universal Design for Learning  UDL is a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn.

28 z CAST  Center for Applied Special Technology  Learning Tools Learning Tools  Research Research

29 z How will YOUR course look?

30 z Final Note

31 z Continue the Discussion 

32 z Kellie Demmler MITI Education Chief Intellectual Property Officer  Ohio University Adjunct Professor 

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