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You will need: your science journal a pencil a smile.

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1 You will need: your science journal a pencil a smile

2 Electricity Notes *Electricity is the movement of electrons through a circuit.. Interactions *Electricity can be used to create light, motion, heat, sound and magnetic effect. *Electricity MUST have a closed path to work. *If the path is broken, the electricity cannot flow. *Many everyday devices use electricity to produce light, heat and sound. Draw and label a circuit that is complete. Draw and label a circuit that is incomplete Your circuits should have : Power source Wires Object of electricity Switch

3 Metacognition3. Explain in detail, what would happen to bulbs A, B if bulb C was removed. Be sure to name the type of circuit as a part of your reason 1. Look at the picture below. 2. A student is building a circuit that will convert electrical energy into light energy. What materials does the student need to complete his circuit? Draw the picture and complete it with an object that produces either sound, or heat. AB C 4. Explain in detail, what would happen to bulbs A, B if bulb C was removed. Be sure to name the type of circuit as a part of your reason C B A ACB

4 Metacognition 3. Explain in detail, what would happen to bulbs A, B and C if bulb C was removed. Be sure to name the type of circuit as a part of your reason 1. Look at the picture below. 2. A student is building a circuit that will convert electrical energy into light energy. What materials does the student need to complete his circuit? Draw the picture and complete it with an object that produces either sound, light, or heat. ABC 4. Explain in detail, what would happen to bulbs A, B and C if bulb C was removed. Be sure to name the type of circuit as a part of your reason C B A Light bulb, motor, buzzer, Bulb, wires, battery, switch, Since this is a parallel circuit, removing bulb C would not affect bulbs A or B. Both A and B would remain lit because their paths are complete circuits. ABC Since this is a series circuit, removing bulb C would create a gap in the path and no electricity would flow. All the bulbs would go out and remain off.

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