IPV6 activity in CSTNET Jiangning Chen 08-28-2007.

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Presentation on theme: "IPV6 activity in CSTNET Jiangning Chen 08-28-2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPV6 activity in CSTNET Jiangning Chen Email: cjn@cstnet.cn 08-28-2007

2 Content Introduction of CSTNET CNGI project Applications

3 Brief introduction of CSTNET One of the top large scale networks in China.cn top domain service Cover more than 20 provinces, 100 institutes, and 1,000,000 end users Bandwidths –Backbone 10G –MAN link 1G –WAN link 2.5G/155M CNGI –7 nodes (cooperating with China Netcom)  Dedicating into: -Upgrading IT Infrastructure -Constructing Scientific Research Environment -Developing Key IT Technologies -Demonstrating Science Applications  A better platform to support advanced science applications

4 CSTNET Internet Connections 400M


6 Content Introduction of CSTNET CNGI project Applications

7 CNGI Introduction approved by in 2003 Leaded by National Reform and Development Committee, 170M USD  75M USD for backbone  95M USD for technology dev. and applications Main contents  CNGI Backbone: nation wide, 38 GigaPOPs  Network technology and applications All NSPs joint this project  CSTNET/China Netcom establish 7 GigaPoPs among 38 GigaPOPs  China telecom, CERNET, China Unicom, China Mobile, Railcom,

8 CNGI distributed Gigapops CNGI 38 GigaPoPs XinJiang XiZang 兰州 NeiMengGu NingXia 西安 ShanXi HeBei 郑州 武汉 南京 合肥 上海 YunNan GuiZhou 长沙 JiangXi GuangXi 广 州 HaiNan JiLin TaiWan 成都 QingHai 济南 重庆 CERNET CHINA TELECOM CNC/CSTNET CHINA MOBILE CHINA UNICOM CHINA TIETONG 杭州 沈阳 天津 HongKong HeiLongJiang LiaoNing 北京 ShanDong JiangSu ZheJiang FuJian GuangDong HuNan HuBei HeNan AnHui ShaanXi GanSu SiChuan 长春 昆明 深圳 厦门

9 Backbone Structure of CSTNET/CNC Changchun Chengdu Guangzhou Shenyang Shanghai Beijing Lanzhou CSTNET/CNC Backbone

10 Other ISPs China telecomCSTNET/CNC International exchange center of IPv6 城域网 POP Exchange center 城域网 Backbone of CNGI Institute POP Disciplinary research network Large scale company University

11 Missions of CSTNET in CNGI The access of IPv6 network for 100 disciplinary research networks and institutes  Disciplinary research networks : about 30 networks cover many specific areas, most of them in Beijing  Institutes: more than 60 institutes around china, most of them are institutes in CAS Beijing, Shanghai,Guangzhou Shenyang, Chuangchun, Chendu, Lanzhou Xian, Nanjing, Xinjiang, Wuhan, Kunming, Hefei Connection Bandwidth  At Least 1G (1G/10G) Circuit Resource: Optical Fiber are provided in Beijing and Local Connection in Sub-center for further expansibility

12 Resources on disciplinary research networks China Earthquake Data Center China meteorological Data Sharing Network China topography Science Data Sharing Network China Forestry Data Sharing Network Data-Sharing Network of Earth System Science Network of Science on State Land and Resource Sustainable Development Information Center Geognosy and Mineral Resource Data Sharing Network Chinese Medical and Health Network China Communications Science Network Basic Science Date Center Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Network China Hydrology Science Network Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences Network China environmental Science Network Chinese Area Integration science and technology Data Sharing Network National Science and technology Library Network Research of Petroleum Processing Network National Center for Nanoscience and Technology Network National Metrology Science Network China Academy of Railway Sciences Network China Water Resources and hydropower Research Network Genomics Science Network China Academy of Telecommunication Technology Network Network of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Network Architectural Design Science Network

13 Backbone of Beijing



16 Total structure for scientific CPNs

17 Content Introduction of CSTNET CNGI project Applications

18 Application on CNGI Science Research and Application  Big Science Project: Iter, VLBI , Lamost  Earthquake, atmosphere, high-energy, avian flu, biology,etc. Platform  Basic condition platform for National science technology  Science literature  Video meeting

19 International Cosmic Ray Pre-Process Center YBJ International Cosmic Ray Observatory is located at 90°26'E and 30°13'N in Yangbajing (YBJ) valley of Tibetan highland. The ARGO - YBJ Project is a Sino-Italian Cooperation started its detector installation in 2000. It aims at the research of the origin of high energy cosmic rays. It explores the approximately 100 GeV uncultivated land and measuring the antiproton/proton ratio by cosmic ray moon shadow. Cosmic ray air-shower array detector China-Japan Collaboration Yangbajing, Tibet 4300m a.s.l. ARGO RPC carpet project 10000+ detectors raw data: 200TB/year reconstruction data: 20TB/year computing power: 400+ CPUs

20 High-energy Research Grid Yangbajing Global Astroparticle-Physics Research Station

21 ITER Project What is ITER? ITER is a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power. The partners in the project - the ITER Parties - are the European Union (represented by EURATOM), Japan, the People´s Republic of China, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the USA. ITER will be constructed in Europe, at Cadarache in the South of France. Goal of ITER demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power for peaceful purposes".

22 Astronomy— Real-time VLBI

23 Welcome to CNIC!

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