Political Issues. Acquiring Information  When faced with a question about politics, where could you go to find out an answer?  Your question: Should.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Issues. Acquiring Information  When faced with a question about politics, where could you go to find out an answer?  Your question: Should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Issues

2 Acquiring Information  When faced with a question about politics, where could you go to find out an answer?  Your question: Should federal taxes be increased, decreased or stay the same?  What do you need to know to answer the question?  Where would you find that information?

3 Should federal taxes change?  What do you need to know to answer the question?  Where would you find that information?

4 Useful information  My website  Click on elections  Links to many webpages and database searches  Procon.org  Shows candidate positions  Democrat: use Obama  Republican: use Romney

5 The Assignment  Part 1:  December 9 and 10 in class  Investigate and complete questions from worksheet on 3 issues per day  Whatever is not done much be completed on your own BY FRIDAY DECEMBER 13  Minimum number of issues: 6  Completing more will increase your chance of a better score—if one answer is not fully complete, you will have more opportunities…  Worksheet is worth 20 Points  Will be checked in class on December 13

6 The Assignment  Graded Discussion—December 17 and 18  Discuss the 8 questions  At least 2 questions in class per day  15 points per day  TOTAL POINTS: 30  Expected that each student will appropriately contribute at least 3 times per day  5 points per comment  “I agree” is NOT a complete contribution

7 Schedule  9 th and 10 th : Research, group analysis  11 th : Todd from Lincoln Investment  12 th and 13 th : Stock Market Game—introduction, group assignments, purchase stock  13 th: Check worksheet for Graded Discussion  16 th : Notebook Quiz  Chorus Students: Need to take on your own  17 th and 18 th : Graded Discussion  19 th and 20 th : Stock Market Game, Current events

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