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Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/27/09 Giardia! Garth Kreitz Amber Spence Period 2.

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1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 1/27/09 Giardia! Garth Kreitz Amber Spence Period 2

2 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles – Second level Third level – Fourth level » Fifth level 1/27/09 Structure & Clinical Features Giardia Iamblia is neither bacterium nor virus, but rather a protozoan with a complex life cycle, but ultimately two stages- the cyst, and the trophozoite. Although Giardia Iamblia thrives in the intestinal walls of creatures, a very important feature of it is that it can still survive outside the body for long periods of time. It is able to form a hard shell like casing that allows it to exist outside a body for weeks even months at a time. In the picture to the right, the far left structure shows the Giardia Iamblia protozoan with its hard outer shell being active.

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4 Common Diseases The protozoan Giardia Iamblia cause the disease Giardia (Giardiasis). This can be detected through symptoms such as diarrhea, gas/flatulence, greasy stools that float, stomach/abdominal cramps, upset stomach, and nausea. Often from the diarrhea comes a heightened weight loss, as well has dangerous dehydration Giardia is often passed through soil, food, feces, or contaminated water. One CAN become infected from swallowing this parasite but CANNOT become infected by blood, which is a misnomer.

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