An SDN-based approach for OmniRAN Reference Point mapping Date: [2013-05-14] Authors: NameAffiliationPhone Antonio de la

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Presentation on theme: "An SDN-based approach for OmniRAN Reference Point mapping Date: [2013-05-14] Authors: NameAffiliationPhone Antonio de la"— Presentation transcript:

1 An SDN-based approach for OmniRAN Reference Point mapping Date: [2013-05-14] Authors: NameAffiliationPhoneEmail Antonio de la Juan Carlos Zúñ Charles Notice: This document does not represent the agreed view of the OmniRAN EC SG. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the ‘Authors:’ field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor, who reserve the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Copyright policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Copyright Policy. Patent policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: and. Abstract This presentation extends SDN use case with the mapping to OMNIRAN Reference Points and derived requirements

2 An SDN-based approach for OmniRAN Reference Point Mapping OmniRAN use case contribution

3 Heterogeneous Networking w/ OmniRAN

4 sdf Terminal Access Core Op B Internet Access Access Infrastructure Operators Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Reference Model for OMNIRAN over SDN

5 sdf Access Access Infrastructure Operators Reference Model (Access Infrastructure operator with data and control split) Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller Data path Control path Access Access Abstraction

6 Reference Points  R1: Terminal  Access point: technology specific  R2: Terminal  Core Network (connectivity services network)  User & terminal authentication, subscription & terminal management  R3: Access Network  Core network  Authorization, service management, user data connection, mobility support, accounting, location  R4: Access Network  Access network  Inter-access network coordination and cooperation, fast inter- technology handover  R5: Core Network  Core network  Inter-operator roaming plus access infrastructure sharing.

7 Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R1 R1: Access link SDN-based configuration/interaction between infrastructure and wireless link Access Abstraction R1

8 Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R2 R2: Control path only Access Abstraction

9 Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R3 R3: Data (e.g., mobility) and Control (e.g., configuration) path Access Abstraction

10 Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R4 R4: Data (e.g., fast handover) and Control (e.g., ICI) path Access Abstraction R4 Access Abstraction

11 sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R5 Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller R5: Data path: Roaming between operators Control path: Roaming between operator + infrastructure sharing

12 Reference Points over SDN  R1: Access link  SDN-based configuration/interaction between infrastructure and wireless link  R2: User & terminal authentication, subscription & terminal management  This reference point can be implemented as a control path from the access network to the corresponding operator  R3: Authorization, service management, user data connection, mobility support, accounting, location  The SDN controller can configure the underlying network for user authorization (e.g. adding MAC to APs), managing mobility (e.g. reconfiguring forwarding path per user), accounting (e.g. counters per forwarding table)  Possible extension of SDN concepts for configuration of heterogeneous access network.  R4: Inter-access network coordination and cooperation, fast inter- technology handover  SDN based forwarding state between different RANs  R5: Inter-operator roaming control interface  Inter-operator roaming plus access infrastructure sharing outside access network

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