Interfacing Software & Hardware Haptic Rendering, Collision Detection & Feedback.

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Presentation on theme: "Interfacing Software & Hardware Haptic Rendering, Collision Detection & Feedback."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interfacing Software & Hardware Haptic Rendering, Collision Detection & Feedback

2 Quest3D: Quest3D is a powerful 3D simulation engine. It’s not open source but the advantage is that it has a lot of ready-to-use channels that have integrated devices such as Wiimote and TrackIR, and it has a special channel for haptic feedback. Blender: Blender is an open source 3D simulation engine. It has a strong online support community, but integration of devices such as Wiimote has to be done manually. Choices of 3D simulation engines:

3 Interfacing Hardware to Software P5 Glove has been already integrated into Blender as well as Quest3D. Open source hand models, physical frames & drivers are available online. (E.g. for Blender refer to here) here In case P5 Glove is modified, and a more precise 6DOF IR tracking is implemented using devices such as Wiimote or TrackIR, further development has to be done to integrate the new devices into the simulation engines.

4 Haptic Rendering & Feedback The Haptic Rendering that will be done in the scope of this project will only include collision detection. For Quest3D VR Edition, there is a special channel dedicated to Haptic Feedback; further research has to be done regarding this feature of Quest3D. For Blender, it can communicate with Arduino Microcontroller using Python, pySerial & pyWin32 (Watch Video1, Video2)Watch Video1Video2

5 Other Method suggested is using a self- written server software in C++ that uses QT libraries which is platform independent. A python script in Blender sends out strings to the server via UDP and vice versa. The string sent are being parsed.

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