How will I teach 10-16 year old to dance?. Task 1 On my first task I did a daily Journal. Every time I taught a class I would write it down and how it.

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Presentation on theme: "How will I teach 10-16 year old to dance?. Task 1 On my first task I did a daily Journal. Every time I taught a class I would write it down and how it."— Presentation transcript:

1 How will I teach 10-16 year old to dance?

2 Task 1 On my first task I did a daily Journal. Every time I taught a class I would write it down and how it went and explain what I learned. English Standard: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard english grammar and usage when writing or speaking

3 Daily Journal Day 5; 4/27/15- One Student that I helped in the past was Sam. She didn't know a lot of stretches. so I showed her a few different ones to help her out. Day 6; 4/8/15-I helped Sam with her Pirouettes (turns) to make sure that she had good balance and make sure sure spot. Day 7; 4/29/15-I help Sam out with her Plie which mean A dance movement in which the knees are bent so she can get higher in her jumps. Day 8; 4/30/15-I helped her with different dance skills like Posture, alignment and balance. I helped them correct them if it is wrong. Day 9; 5/4/15-Today in dance class I help some girls with my some dance movements that they didn't know because they weren't paying attention.


5 Task 2 On my second task I did a 8-10 minute video to show how different girls balance in certain moves. I found each girls mass. Math Standard: Use trigonometry and/or geometry to solve or model real- world problems.

6 Logan Showing How She Balances In A Pirouettes

7 Sam Showing How She Balances In A Pirouettes

8 Mass of each girl BMI=705*Bodyweight/(Height*Height) Eryn 29= 705*173/(65*65) Maddy 19=705*95/(60*60) Ally 19=705*90/(63*63) Sam 24=705*146/(66*66) Logan 25=705*145/(65*65) Niki 22=705*142/(66*66)

9 Task 3 For my task three I wrote an 1-2 page essay/ reflection on the history of dance. What has dance done for me? What has dance done for someone else? English standard: Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas concepts and information so that each new elements builds. Create a unified whole; include formatting, multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

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