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1 Computer Science 4960 History of Electronic Computing Geoff Draper University of Utah.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Computer Science 4960 History of Electronic Computing Geoff Draper University of Utah."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Computer Science 4960 History of Electronic Computing Geoff Draper University of Utah

2 University of Utah 2 Questions Before going further, please feel free to interrupt at any point and ask questions. If I don’t call you by name, please state your name before your question.

3 University of Utah 3 Instructor's background Notable machines I've used: -Sinclair ZX81 (1 kilobyte of memory) -Commodore 64 (64 kilobytes of memory) -386 PC (1 megabyte of memory)

4 University of Utah 4 Why study history? Learn what's been done -What worked, what didn't -Avoid making same mistakes Be able to support legacy systems Know warning signs if your company is going down!

5 University of Utah 5 Where we're going BIG PICTURE: Electronic computing from 1940s to present

6 University of Utah 6 Where we're going Briefly review “pre-history” (i.e. anything before the 1940's)

7 University of Utah 7 Where we're going ENIAC: first fully-electronic programmable Turing-complete computer. UNIVAC: first commercial electronic computer

8 University of Utah 8 Where we're going Technological progress: Vacuum tubes Transistors Integrated Circuits

9 University of Utah 9 Where we're going Technological progress: Delay line memory Drum memory Magnetic core memory Semiconductor memory

10 University of Utah 10 10 Where we're going Technological progress: Punched cards Paper tape Magnetic tape Magnetic disc Teletype (keyboard) Video displays

11 University of Utah 11 11 Where we're going Corporation games: IBM DEC Intel Microsoft

12 University of Utah 12 12 Where we're going Courtroom shenanigans: UNIVAC vs Honeywell (1970's) IBM vs everyone (1970's) Microsoft vs Netscape (1990's) SCO vs everyone (2000's)

13 University of Utah 13 13 Where we're going Main classes of computers: Custom-built systems Mainframes Minicomputers Workstations PC's Handhelds

14 University of Utah 14 14 How we're getting there Classroom mechanics: Lecture, demo, discussion Guest speakers

15 University of Utah 15 15 How we're getting there Grading Participation / citizenship Short written assignments Short programming assignments Long written assignment

16 University of Utah 16 16 Participation Daily Test Questions During the last minute of each class session, write a question that encapsulates one essential point from the presentation. Turn it in before you leave. Bonus points if I use your question on an exam!

17 University of Utah 17 17 Participation I would like to meet with each of you individually at least once this semester -During office hours, or by appointment -Get to know you better -Get your thoughts on the course -How can I tailor the course to best suit you?

18 University of Utah 18 18 Citizenship Ask questions Answer questions Be here physically and mentally: No laptops / texting / iPods / PDAs (consequence: lose points)

19 University of Utah 19 19 How to Succeed Read the textbook Go to all the lectures Have questions for in class Check (and send) EMAIL!!!!

20 University of Utah 20 20 Why are you here?

21 University of Utah 21 21 Show and tell

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