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Alien Abduction WWK: The facts about alien abductions and how they affect theories about aliens.

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Presentation on theme: "Alien Abduction WWK: The facts about alien abductions and how they affect theories about aliens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alien Abduction WWK: The facts about alien abductions and how they affect theories about aliens.

2 The term alien abduction describes “subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one’s will by apparently nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures People who claim to have been abducted are usually referred to as “abductees”

3 Most abductees claim to being subjected to a forced medical examination Due to a lack of physical evidence most scientist and mental health professionals dismiss the phenomenon as “deception, false memory syndrome, sleep phenomena, psychopathology, psychodynamics, or environmental factors

4 The first alien abduction claim to be widely publicized was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction in While “alien abduction” did not achieve widespread attention until the 1960’s there were many similar stories recorded decades earlier, which were dubbed “paleo-abductions” by UFO researcher Jerome Clark

5 The exact number of alleged abductees is uncertain
The exact number of alleged abductees is uncertain. One of the earliest studies of abductions found 1,700 claimants, while contested surveys argued that 5 or 6 percent of the general population might have been abducted. Although different cases vary in detail, some UFO researchers argue that there is a broad, fairly consistent sequence of events that make up the typical “abduction” including 8 stages

6 8 stages Capture. The abductee is forcibly taken from terrestrial surroundings to an apparent alien space craft. Examination and Procedures. Invasive physiological and psychological procedures, and on occasion simulated behavioral situations, training & testing, or sexual liaisons. Conference. The abductors communicate with the abductee or direct them to interact with specific individuals for some purpose. Tour. The abductees are given a tour of their captors' vessel, though this is disputed by some researchers who consider this definition a confabulation of intent when just apparently being taken around to multiple places inside the ship. Loss of Time. Abductees often rapidly forget the majority of their experience, either as a result of fear, medical intervention, or both. Return. The abductees are returned to earth, occasionally in a different location from where they were allegedly taken or with new injuries or disheveled clothing. Theophany. Coinciding with their immediate return, abductee may have a profound sense of love, a high, or "mystical experience", accompanied by a feeling of oneness with God, the universe, or their abductors. Whether this is the result of a metaphysical change, Stockholm Syndrome, or prior medical tampering is often not scrutinized by the abductees at the time. Aftermath. The abductee must cope with the psychological, physical, and social effects of the experience.

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