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Please use this time to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences at the back table.

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Presentation on theme: "Please use this time to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences at the back table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please use this time to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences at the back table

2 Mrs. Jenea Smith Email: Newsletters (online or paper copy) Check our classroom website!!website

3 Adopted from U.P.E.S. All-star Behavior in the Classroom

4 Monday:LMC Tuesday: Art Wednesday: Gym Band/Orchestra Thursday:Gym Chorus Friday:Music Computer Lab (Fun Friday!)

5 Assessments: Independent Reading Projects Independent Reading Projects One per semester Selection tests After completion of selection Novel study quizzes Throughout novel study Benchmark exams One per unit NYS ELA exam Curriculum: -Scott Foresman- o Selections o Vocabulary o Grammar o Spelling -Novel Studies-  Small reading groups  Comprehension questions  Vocabulary Writing: journals and published pieces of writing

6 Spelling Tests Challenge Words Fridays Parent Signature Weekly Spelling Routine: Monday: Pretest Go over words/definitions/etc… Begin working on spelling packet Tuesday-Thursday: Classwork: Spelling Packet (due Fridays) Continue to review Homework: StudyStudy Friday: Test Reading Journal: -Read ~20 minutes every night -Respond to what was read with a few sentences in the Reading Journal -I will read and respond in log also -Accountability of what is being read

7 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Math Information: Math Notebook/Folder (Red) Math Homework (see policy) Math Corrections (due Friday) Assessments: Chapter quizzes After completion of chapter Quarterly exams After completion of unit NYS Math exam These may change depending on the district’s decisions

8 New York State Native American History Colonization Explorers Crayfish Plant Growth and Development Land and Water Electrical Currents We will be switching with Mr. Chimento for Social Studies and Science.


10 Don’t forget! -Sign-up for parent- teacher conferences -Sign-up for Homeroom parent (if interested) -Meeting in auditorium with Mrs. Peffer

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