9.4 Multiplying & Dividing Rational Expressions. Simplifying Rational Expressions If the top and bottom have a common term, they can cancel out.

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Presentation on theme: "9.4 Multiplying & Dividing Rational Expressions. Simplifying Rational Expressions If the top and bottom have a common term, they can cancel out."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.4 Multiplying & Dividing Rational Expressions

2 Simplifying Rational Expressions If the top and bottom have a common term, they can cancel out.

3 Example #1 Simplify the Expression Do you notice anything similar on top and bottom?

4 Example #2 Simplify the Expression Notice how the top and bottom both have “(x – 2)”. They cancel out. Also, notice the top has “(x + 3)” and the bottom has “(x – 3),” which are different. They DO NOT cancel out.

5 Example #3 Simplify the Expression Notice “x 2 – 4” can be factored to (x + 2)(x – 2) Again, the top has “(x + 2)” and the bottom has “(x – 3),” so they DO NOT cancel out. Notice how the top and bottom both have “(x – 2)”. They cancel out.

6 Example #4 Multiply How do you multiply fractions?Straight across We don’t even want to multiply, we just want to cancel. Is there anything we can cancel?

7 Example #5 Divide Dividing is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal. Again, we don’t even want to multiply.

8 Practice #1 Simplify the expression

9 Practice #2 Simplify the expression

10 Practice #3 Multiply or

11 Practice #4 Divide

12 Practice #5 Divide

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