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ANIMAL BEHAVIOR. Innate Behavior Instinct-- Taxis- Seasonal behaviors.

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2 Innate Behavior Instinct-- Taxis- Seasonal behaviors

3 Innate Behavior Instinct- Suckling Taxis- Insect movement toward or away from light, chemicals –Toward Light- Positive Phototaxis –Away from Chemicals – Negative Chemotaxi Seasonal behaviors-hibernation, estivation, migration.

4 Learned Behavior Habituation-- Imprinting-- Classical conditioning-- Trial and Error--

5 Learned Behavior Habituation-- Simplest type. Ignoring repetitive stimuli. Young birds stop crouching when they see birds fall or other small birds, but learn to ignore. Imprinting-- Konrad Lorenz and the geese. Classical conditioning--Pavlov’s dogs. Associate stimulus with a reward/ punishment. Trial and Error--Skinner Box. Associate a behavior with a reward or punishment.


7 Social Behavior Communication between individuals of species. –Touch, Sight, Chemicals, Language Touch Ex: Honeybee Waggle Dance Chemical Ex: Pheromones Other communication Courtship behaviors Territorial defense

8 Social Behavior Courtship Pheromones and acoustic signals –Pheromones are chemical messengers used for communication between individuals, and often serve as sex attractants Silk moths are the most famous example In humans egg and sperm—they are from two individuals, right?. Also human behavior is affected by pheromones. –Many insects, amphibians, and birds produce species-specific acoustic signals to attract mates.

9 Social Behavior Communication between individuals of species using pheromones-moths, ants Waggle dance of bees Courtship behaviors-Birds, rams Territorial defense- Hamadryas Baboons (“Life” Video) also on Discover Ed)or Chimps “Life in Trees”

10 Communication in Social Groups Communicated information: –alarm calls –alarm pheromones –trail pheromones –dance language Waggle dance of European honeybee relays direction and distance of a located food source. –primate vocalizations

11 Waggle Dance of Honeybees Angle indicates direction. Tempo indicates distance.

12 Question Which of the following illustrate(s) natural selection? (Choose all correct answers) –The meerkats with the loudest alarm calls have the highest survival rates, so they survive and pass down their vocalization genes. –A dog learns to associate a newspaper with a punishment, so it avoids newspapers and hides when the owner brings in the paper. –A termite follows an ink trail if it is Bic Pen or Paper Mate, but not a Sharpie.

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