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Transition from PSEI to Kindergarten or First Grade November 17, 2011.

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2 Transition from PSEI to Kindergarten or First Grade November 17, 2011

3 Act 212 of 1990 Early Intervention Systems Act  Established early intervention services in Pennsylvania for eligible children age three to the “age of beginners”  Mandated services beginning in the Fiscal Year (FY) 1991-92  20 U.S.C. §1419 requires: Transition without interruption in program, and Transition with appropriate procedural protections

4 Transition  Announcement: EI-09 #19 (OCDEL) Transition of Preschool Children to School Age Programs Issue Date: October 20, 2009 4 Attachments  Basic Education Circular(BEC) PDE Date of Review: October 19, 2009

5 Goal of PDE and OCDEL  Smooth transition to School District of Residence or Local Charter School while respecting parental choices  Developed standardized procedures and forms to be used by the PSEI programs and school districts or charter schools throughout the transition process

6 Transition Process  By February 1st of each year - PSEI programs must identify children who are approaching age for K or 1st grade in the their SD of residence.  Notify parents of the transition to school age process by sending the “Notice of Your Child’s Transition to School Age Meeting” form

7 Transition Meeting Notice  Includes information for parents on: The transition to school age meeting The option to register child in a kindergarten program or remain in PSEI for another year The fact that their child ceases to be eligible for PSEI services when he/she reaches the age for first grade

8 Transition Process  The PSEI records of child who are no longer eligible for special education services cannot be shared with SDs or charter schools without parental consent [§301(14) of Act 212 of 1990]

9 The Transition Meeting  PS/EI program must convene transition meeting by the end of February for all children approaching age for K or 1st grade  If IEP Team has already decided child remaining in EI - parents and PSEI program can agree Transition meeting not necessary

10 The Transition Meeting  Parents uncertain or have decided their child is moving on to K or 1st grade A transition meeting must be held and a representative of the school district of residence or charter school must participate

11 The Transition Meeting  The Transition meeting not necessarily IEP meeting but may serve as such if necessary participants are present

12 The Transition Meeting  Must provide appropriate Intent to Register form Kindergarten form 1st Grade form  This form enables parents to indicate whether they intend to register their child in the SD or charter school

13 The Transition Meeting  PS/EI program reviews choices on the Intent to Register form with parents  SD or charter school responsibilities for the transition process for the new school year commence with receipt of Intent to Register form

14 Reevaluations and IEPs  If parents intend to register with the SD or charter school, the Notice of Options for Your Child’s Transition is reviewed with the parents by the school district team or the charter school team  Within a reasonable period of time from receipt of the Intent to Register form but no later than April 15th, the SD or charter school will notify the parent in writing and initiate one of the options.

15 Options Considered for Child’s Transition

16 Remain in Early Intervention  PSEI IEP Team must: Fully inform parents of advantages of transitioning to school age program with same age peers Evaluation/reevaluation must reflect an additional year of Early Intervention at the request of the family

17 Adopt PSEI IEP  Parents & SD or charter school agree to adopt and implement the PSEI IEP for the next school year  School District or charter school issues a school age NOREP indicating this recommendation

18 Adopt PSEI IEP with Revisions  Parents & SD or charter school agree to adopt the PSEI IEP with revisions  Discuss revisions  SD or charter school issues revised IEP and NOREP indicating this recommendation

19 Reevaluation - Review Data  Decision of Parents & SD or charter school  May conduct a reevaluation consisting of review of existing data & information prior to IEP meeting  Permission to Reevaluate-Consent Form is NOT required

20 Reevaluation - Review Data  Within a reasonable amount of time - SD or charter school notifies parent in writing that a reevaluation consisting of a review of data will be conducted (may use locally developed letter)  If the team plans to meet to discuss data & information - the Invitation to Participate in the IEP Team Meeting or Other Meeting Notice may be used

21 Reevaluation - Additional Data  IEP team determines additional data are needed  SD or charter school issues Permission to Reevaluate – Consent Form  Reevaluation Report to parent within 60 calendar days  IEP meeting held within 30 calendar days of the RR  SD or charter school issues new IEP & NOREP

22 Waiving the Reevaluation  NOT part of a reevaluation process  Recommended by the SD or charter school - NOT an IEP team decision  Parent must be in agreement with determination to waive reevaluation  Parents’ signature is required on the Agreement to Waive Reevaluation form

23 Timelines  Within a reasonable period of time but no later than April 15th - SD or charter school must notify parents in writing & initiate one of the options  Regardless of option - an IEP will be implemented no later than 10 school days after its completion

24 Court Case  Jacob M. requires that special education services cannot be interrupted when children transition from PSEI to school

25 Developmental Delay  A child in PSEI with a primary disability of Developmental Delay must be reevaluated to determine if the child has a school age eligible disability  Prior to a child receiving school age special education the child must be determined eligible by one of the school age disability categories.

26 Initial Evaluation  When a child with a primary disability of Development Delay transitions into a school age program with no evaluation and an evaluation occurs in the school- age program it is considered an Initial Evaluation

27 Reevaluation  For all disability categories except Developmental Delay, a child who transitions into K without an evaluation, the first evaluation in the school-age program would be considered a Reevaluation unless the child was exited from the PSEI program via a NOREP/PWN

28 Additional Information  Contact Barb Rothermel 724-938-3241 ext 278 Marnie Sanner 724-437-9525 or ext 721

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