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Let’s have a competition and see who can name the birds first. 1. strong, brown feathers, broad wings __________ eagle.

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4 Let’s have a competition and see who can name the birds first. 1. strong, brown feathers, broad wings __________ eagle

5 2. white feathers and long thin neck ______ swan 3. tall, long legs, long thin neck _______ crane 4. small, brown and grey feathers _______ sparrow

6 Zhalong n. 大自然, 自然界

7 Kekexili Wolong

8 Red-crowned cranesWetland

9 Northeast Northwest SouthwestSoutheast N E S W

10 wetland Wetlands can provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife. n. 湿地 vt. 提供 n. 庇护所

11 perfect It’s a perfect place to go travelling. adj. 极好的, 完美的

12 cent n. 分 ; 分币 twenty cents

13 fisherman pl. fishermen Some fishermen keep fishing in nature reserves. fish n. 渔民, 钓鱼的人 vi. 捕鱼

14 tourist Many tourists come here during their holiday. n. 旅行者, 观光者


16 1. Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? 2. Why is it a perfect place for wildlife? 3. Why are more and more birds in danger? It is in Heilongjiang in north-east China. Listen and answer the questions. Because it provides food and cover. Because they do not have enough living space and food.

17 B1. Sandy does not know the meanings of some words in the article. Help her match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.

18 1. provide ____ a. stop something from happening 2. perfect ____ b. know 3. lead to ____ c. a person who is travelling or visiting a place 4. prevent ____ d. give something to someone or something else 5. tourist ____ e. the best 6. understand ____ f. have something as a result a b c d e f

19 B2. Sandy wants to tell her classmates about the article. She wrote down some important information. Can you find it in the article on page 70? Help her fill in the blanks the correct letters.

20 a About birds in Zhalong b What the Birdwatching Society members do c More people can help count and describe the birds d Birds in Zhalong are in danger e About Zhalong Nature Reserve Paragraph 1 ___Paragraph 2 ___ Paragraph 3 ___ Paragraph 4 ___ Paragraph 5 ___ ea d b c

21 B3. Daniel wants to send an email about Zhalong to his friend in the UK. Help him check for mistakes. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.

22 1 Zhalong is an important wetland in the world. 2 Birds can find food and cover in Zhalong. 3 The birds in Zhalong live in large cages. 4 Most birds are active at night. 5 Forty per cent of cranes live in other parts of the world. all year round. in the daytime. Zhalong.

23 6 The Chinese government has made laws to protect wildlife. 7 Zhalong needs more people to feed the birds. 8 Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife. count and describe the birds.

24 B4. Daniel is asking Sandy some questions about Zhalong. Complete their conversation with the words in the article on page 70.

25 Daniel: Where’s Zhalong Nature Reserve, Sandy? Sandy: It’s in _____________ Province in North-east China. Daniel: Do you know the importance of the reserve for wildlife? Sandy: Yes. It provides food and _______ for wildlife. It’s a _______ place for some _________. Heilongjiang cover perfect rare birds

26 Daniel: Do lots of birds go there? Sandy: Yes. Many birds live there ____________, while some go there only for a __________. Daniel: Are the birds there facing any problems? Sandy: Yes, but our government has made ______ to protect them. all year round short stay laws

27 Daniel: What do members of the Birdwatching Society do? Sandy: They ______ the birds in Zhalong once a year. Now they ’ re inviting some tourists to ______ and _______ the birds. count describe study

28 1) area n. 地区;区域,范围;面积 表示面积是不可数名词, 常用短语有 in area 。 e.g. The flat is about 120 square metres in area. 这座公寓的面积大约 120 平方米。 1. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife.

29 表示地区、区域是可数名词,复数 +s 。 e.g. Lots of students can’t go to school in poor areas. 贫困地区有很多孩子不能上学。 2) provide vt. 意为 “ 提供,供给 ”, 其后常 接名词或代词。常见短语为 provide sth. for sb./ provide sb. with sth., 意为 “ 为某 人提供某物 ” 。 e.g. The peasants provide vegetables for us. 农民供给我们蔬菜。

30 3) cover n. 封面 (C); 庇护所 (U) vt. 覆盖 ; 包括 e.g. The wetlands provide cover for wildlife. 湿地为野生生物提供庇护所。 Our school covers an area of 3000 square metres. 我们学校占地面积为 3000 平方米。 Write your name on the cover of your book. 把你的名字写在书的封面上。

31 2. Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay. 1) all year round 是个固定词组,意为 “ 一年到头, 全年 ” 。 e.g. He makes a lot of money all year round. 一年到头他赚了许多钱。 类似的短语: all day long 整天

32 2) while 在此处用作连词,意为 “ 然而, 但是 ” ,表示对比,它连接的前后两个 句子是并列关系。 e.g. Some people waste food while others haven’t enough. 一些人浪费食物,然而有些人还没 有足够的食物。

33 3) stay n. 停留 e.g. We only intend to make a short stay here. 我们只想在这儿作短暂的逗留。 stay v. 停留 e.g. She stayed to take care of her mother. 她留下来照料她母亲。

34 3. There are not many cranes left in the world, and 40 percent of them live in Zhanlong. per cent 意思是 “ 百分之 ……”, 用来表 示百分比。 e.g. Forty per cent of the students in my class are girls. 我的班里 40% 的学生是女孩。

35 4. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. 1) lead vi.&vt. 领导, 带领 e.g. You lead, and I’ll follow. 你领导,我服从。 lead to 导致 e.g. Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起 疾病。

36 2) less and less 与 fewer and fewer, 意 思均为 “ 越来越少 ” 。前者修饰不 可数名词, 后者修饰可数名词。 e.g. There is less and less space for wildlife. 野生动物的空间是越来越少了。 There are fewer and fewer wild animals. 野生动物是越来越少了。

37 5. Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong. prevent v. 预防;防止 e.g. Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent disease. 科学家们正试图找到预防疾病的 方法。

38 prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人 做某事 同义短语 : stop sb. (from) doing sth. 和 keep sb. from doing sth. e.g. We should prevent/ stop/keep people (from) hunting wildlife. 我们应该阻止人们猎杀野生生物。

39 6. We need more people to count and describe the birds. describe vt. 描述;说成;形容; e.g. He described the accident in detail. 他详细地描述了这次事故的情况。 Please describe what you saw. 请描述你所见到的情形。

40 7. We hope this will help people understand the importance of the wetlands. understand v. 懂得;明白;理解 e.g. I don’t understand what you’re talking about. 我不明白你在说什么。 He is trying his best to understand his meaning. 他正在尽力弄明白他的意思。

41 1. 政府为越来越多的珍稀鸟类提供了庇 护所。 The government provides the cover for more and more rare birds. 2. 一些鸟飞去南方作短暂停留。 Some birds fly to the south for a short stay.

42 3. 我们希望这些信息能帮助人们明白保护 自然的重要性。 We hope the information will help people understand the importance of protecting the nature. 4. 他们正在研究老虎在数量上的变化。 They are studying the changes in tigers’ numbers.

43 5. 地球上的居住空间越来越小了。 There is less and less living space on the earth. 6. 请给老人让个地方。 Please make space/room for the old man.

44 1. Describe Zhalong Nature Reserve. 2. Make a plan how to protect the endangered wildlife with your classmates or family.


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