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The Trojan War How it all started (supposedly)....

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Presentation on theme: "The Trojan War How it all started (supposedly)...."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Trojan War How it all started (supposedly)...

2 The Apple of Discord Eris, goddess of Discord, isn’t invited to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus. To avenge herself, Eris appears at the wedding feast and rolls a golden apple down the banquet table. The apple is inscribed with the words “To the fairest [prettiest]”

3 The Apple of Discord Three goddesses reach for it at the same time: Hera (queen of the gods, goddess of women and marriage) Athena (goddess of wisdom) Aphrodite (goddess of love and beauty)

4 The Apple of Discord Zeus refuses to choose the “fairest” goddess. Hermes (messenger of the gods and always in the middle of things) and Zeus choose Prince Paris of Troy to make the final decision.

5 The Judgment of Paris The goddesses go to see Paris, prince of Troy and the most handsome man alive. Each of the goddesses offers Paris a bribe: Hera offers unlimited power and wealth. Athena offers to make him a famous and mighty warrior. Aphrodite offers the most beautiful woman in the world.

6 The Judgment of Paris Predict: Who do you think Paris chooses? Paris chooses Aphrodite. Aphrodite promises Paris Helen of Troy, the most beautiful woman in the world. Too bad Helen is already married to Menelaus, king of Sparta...

7 The Kidnapping Paris goes to visit Menelaus, kidnaps Helen, and steals most of the king’s treasure. Menelaus calls together all of Helen’s old suitors. Launch 1,000 ships and war lasts 10 years.

8 The Kidnapping Paris goes to visit Menelaus, kidnaps Helen, and steals most of the king’s treasure. Menelaus calls together all of Helen’s old suitors. Launch 1,000 ships and war lasts 10 years. Helen of Troy: “The face that launched a thousand ships...”

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