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Subjects of International Finance Law Plan: 1. State as the main Subject of IFL. 2. Central banks as Subjects of IFL. 3. International Organizations as.

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Presentation on theme: "Subjects of International Finance Law Plan: 1. State as the main Subject of IFL. 2. Central banks as Subjects of IFL. 3. International Organizations as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subjects of International Finance Law Plan: 1. State as the main Subject of IFL. 2. Central banks as Subjects of IFL. 3. International Organizations as Subjects of IFL.

2 The system is composed of international financial relations between different actors. The subjects of international finance are: government, international organizations, legal persons, among them a special place: multinational corporations, multinational banks, financial organizations, stock exchanges, the physical person.

3 State - this is the main subject, which operates in the field of international finance in the face of government (Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc.) and through authorized officials (president, prime minister).

4 It has the right to the following activities: participate in international economic and financial conferences, in international organizations, conclude international treaties concerning the export and import of goods and services, as well as clearing, payment and currency agreements, intergovernmental agreements lease movable and immovable property, mortgage, credit, loans, investments, financing, to deal in gold and precious metals, to issue state treasury bills, securities, provide guarantees and other financial operations of the various businesses and other entities, to provide free financial assistance.

5 Central banks - the authority of state regulation of the economy, which are authorized to issue notes monopoly, regulation of monetary, credit and exchange rate, storage reserves. The central bank is an agent of the government in servicing the state budget.

6 The main task of the central bank are to maintain a stable purchasing power of the national currency and sustained cash payments and settlements in the country.

7 The central bank has the right to participate in the capital and activities of international organizations.

8 International organizations - is created by treaty and statute to perform certain functions of association of sovereign states, which have a system of permanent bodies, possess international personality and accordingly based international law

9 International monetary and financial institutions (IFIs) - is the economic organization, created on the basis of international agreements to regulate the international monetary and financial and credit relations in order to stabilize the global economy.

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