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Adjectives and Adverbs

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Presentation on theme: "Adjectives and Adverbs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adjectives and Adverbs

2 Nouns A noun describes a person, place or thing.
Examples: city, man, movie, tree Proper nouns name specific people, places and things. They are capitalized. Examples: Toronto, Mr. Drebit, Spider-Man, Oak Abstract nouns name ideas, beliefs and other things that cannot be detected by your senses. Examples: joy, bravery, fear, love, happiness

3 Verbs Verbs are action words. They describe something that is being done. Examples: run, jump, think, read, believe, want, be, grow, climb, become You cannot write a sentence without including at least one verb.

4 Adjectives Adjectives are words that provide information about nouns.
An adjective describes what something is like. Examples: quick, slow, happy, good What are the adjectives in these examples?: “The new students went to class.” “OISE is a big school.” “I am wearing a blue shirt.”

5 Adverbs Adverbs are words that provide information about verbs.
Adverbs often look like adjectives with the letters “ly” added to the end. An Adverb describes how something is done. Examples: quickly, slowly, happily, What are the adverbs in these sentences?: “Always cross the street safely.” “He silently entered the building.” “She dances well.” well

6 Adjective or Adverb? In order to decide which descriptive word to use in a sentence, you must decide if you are describing the noun or the verb. For example: “Rabbits are __________. (quick or quickly?) “Turtles move __________. (slow or slowly?) I read _________. (good or well?) quick slowly well

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