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By: Bella Laybourn What are dolphins?  Highly intelligent and social marine mammals resembling small, toothed whales that typically have a beaklike.

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2 By: Bella Laybourn

3 What are dolphins?  Highly intelligent and social marine mammals resembling small, toothed whales that typically have a beaklike snout and a curved fin on the back.  Found throughout the world’s oceans and rivers.  Evolved specialized bio-sonar system known as echolocation to communicate and navigate.  Share many human behavioral characteristics such as play.  Sleep with half their brain awake in order to breathe and watch for predators.

4 Classification  Kingdom: Animalia  Phylum: Chordata  Class: Mammalia  Subclass: Eutheria  Order: Cetacea  Suborder: Odontoceti  Family: Delphinidae  Genus: Cephalorhynchus  Species: Cephalorhynchus Hectori

5 Hector’s Dolphin Characteristics  Smallest dolphin in the world (4 – 5 ft. long)  Unique to New Zealand  Overall appearance is pale grey with black mask around eyes  Only species with rounded, blunt dorsal fin  Subspecies “Maui’s dolphin” is rarest and most endangered of all marine mammals (only around 110 remaining)

6 Hector’s Dolphin Habitat (New Zealand)

7 Hector’s Dolphin to human Comparison




11 Anatomy of a Dolphin

12 Reasons Endangered  Human exploitation & harvesting  Bycatch in bottom-set gillnets  Marine toxins & oil spills  Discarded trash & nets  Collision with vessels  River regulation devices  Sound pollution  Habitat destruction & climate change

13 What’s Being Done to Help?  Dolphins monitored closely to ensure safety.  Emergency conservation measures enacted including rules and regulations prohibiting gillnet bycatch out to 4 mi offshore.  Harbors are getting better protection from fisheries for dolphins.  Protection from trawling fisheries is being enforced.  New marine mammal sanctuaries have been designated in New Zealand.

14 What can you do to help?  Adopt a dolphin.  Buy only dolphin safe tuna.  Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.  Use fewer harmful chemicals.  Conserve water.  Use a more gas efficient car.

15 For More Information      

16 Thank you

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