Sacred Rituals for Caregivers A Continuing Education Workshop in Self-Care for Professional Caregivers Presented by Daphne C. Reiley ©2014 Ripples of Grace.

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1 Sacred Rituals for Caregivers A Continuing Education Workshop in Self-Care for Professional Caregivers Presented by Daphne C. Reiley ©2014 Ripples of Grace

2  Caregiver for four years as mother progressed through Alzheimer’s disease.  Called to offer support to caregivers.  Core belief is that we all need to be good listeners because we all need to be heard.  Facilitates support groups, provides individual spiritual direction, initiates threshold gatherings, leads prayer circles, and leads workshops on various spiritual disciplines.

3 “What is sacred? It’s the ground of our being. It’s the whole of which we are a part. It’s what imbues our life with meaning and beauty.”  Joanna Macy, Interview with Yes! Magazine

4 What are some of the ways that you access the sacred in your life?

5  1. Who in your life has modeled "sacred rituals"?

6  2. What sacred rituals were you taught as a child by your family, mentors, or faith community?

7  Consistency  Constancy  Connectivity Voilá…your Cup is filled!

8  Putting on Makeup  Making Coffee  Meditation  Yoga  Stretching  Prayer  Journaling  Dancing!

9  Are any of the ways you have of accessing the sacred in your life adaptable as a personal daily ritual for your well-being?

10 "If we do not cultivate attentive awareness we will miss the divine presence springing forth all around us in unrestrained beauty and power." June Cannato, Radical Amazement

11  Break into groups of 5 people  Take 2 minutes each to describe a personal ritual that you find sustaining.  If you don’t have one, offer your thoughts on what you might try or ask for suggestions during your 2 minutes.  At the end of 10 minutes, we will hear from each group.

12  Quieting Our Thoughts  Breathing Techniques  Mindful Movement  Physical Stillness

13  Meditation  Guided  Example Meditation  Non-Guided

14  Internal benefits:  Stillness  Calmness  Sense of solitude

15  Internal benefits:  Stillness  Calmness  Sense of solitude  External benefits:  Graciousness  Patience

16  Friends  Mentors  Family  Clergy-types  Community

17  Joy  Rest and grounding  Clarity of purpose/direction  Sustenance to pass along to patient

18  Working individually, note down your ideas about a ritual you can begin today.  Please complete and turn in the Evaluation included in your packet.

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