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MAP - Making Alignment a Priority for health libraries NW Alignment Toolkit.

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Presentation on theme: "MAP - Making Alignment a Priority for health libraries NW Alignment Toolkit."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAP - Making Alignment a Priority for health libraries NW Alignment Toolkit

2 The Inspiration! 3 ‘northerners’ attended "Making a positive impact on health event” Oct 2008 showcasing the Londonlinks Alignment Toolkit -toolkit -toolkit Sue Lacey-Bryant & Richard Osborne agreed that we could use the format for our work Original idea to replicate with examples from NW – based on Vital Signs

3 The Vision “The aim of this project is to bring together a number of resources on a wiki environment that can be used by librarians/library managers to ensure that Library services are aligned to drivers at all levels and demonstrating their impact upon their NHS organisation”

4 A ‘one-stop-shop’ ‘Drivers’ – snapshot and summary of initiatives impacting on NHS organisations e.g White Paper, Healthier Horizons (NW) Local Service Profiles – a basic planning tool and examples Case Studies – adapted from the Londonlinks template, examples of good practice in NW Impact Toolkit – examples of impact measurement tools from NW & UK

5 Uses and Benefits Talking the same language as NHS colleagues Protecting & developing library services Recording the impact of one-off projects/ initiatives Practical tools and examples – case studies, LSPs, impact measurement Awareness of the ‘bigger picture’ Sharing good practice within LIHNN – ‘Do once and share’ Anticipating organisational priorities

6 The Challenges! Ensuring content is up to date Ongoing process of review and evaluation Moving with the times – changing the key driver content to reflect the current position Reduced number of Steering Group members The wiki – firewalls, managing contributions, changing wiki platform, membership …. How are library & information professionals using the content?

7 ‘Driver’ definition For the purpose of this project a driver is 'a factor or factors' that shapes the direction of your particular service Group discussion: What are the key drivers for your organisation / library service currently?

8 Step 1: Consider your aim – Embarking on a new project? – Need to justify a particular element of your service? – Required to demonstrate the impact of your service as a whole? – Want to propose a new development or initiative? How to use the MAP toolkit

9 Step 2: Identify the key drivers – A factor that shapes the direction of your organisation – National / regional / local / additional drivers – Give you a broader understanding of wider NHS – Enable you to ‘talk the same language’ as your organisation – MAP toolkit summarises for you! How to use the MAP toolkit

10 Step 3: Plan your project – Use the Local Service Profile to plan your project – May be core library services or bespoke activities – Map out new services or initiatives – Present to stakeholders / senior managers – MAP Toolkit contains examples for you to view! How to use the MAP toolkit

11 Step 4: Write up your project – Demonstrate your value – Align your project with wider organisational objectives – Share good practice with colleagues – Ensure your work is visible – Reflect on any lessons learned – MAP Toolkit contains examples for you to view! How to use the MAP toolkit

12 Step 5: Demonstrate impact Initiate discussions about a service development Share your project with stakeholders within your organisation Publish your case study in your trust's newsletter Inform a business case Publish your case study to the MAP toolkit How to use the MAP toolkit

13 The way forward Expand the membership of the Steering Group Involve the network of users to manage the content Obtain feedback & evaluation – not just anecdotal but implementation Develop a collection of national case studies Publish the project

14 Thank you Any questions? Contact us for more information about the project (01524) 516224 (0151) 6047223 Request access to the wiki at:

15 References Smoke signals from the ‘Big Smoke’: Aligning and evaluating health libraries & sharing best practice (2009) Pratchett, T & Anderson, L LIHNNK-UP Issue 30 March 2009 Available at: NNK_Up_30_March_2009.pdf [Accessed 3.3.2011] NNK_Up_30_March_2009.pdf LondonLinks Alignment Toolkit [Accessed 3.3.2011]

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