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By: Matthew Burton.  Mutualism- when two animals or species benefit  Salt water- clown fish living in a sea anemone  Rain forest –bird eating bugs.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Matthew Burton.  Mutualism- when two animals or species benefit  Salt water- clown fish living in a sea anemone  Rain forest –bird eating bugs."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Matthew Burton

2  Mutualism- when two animals or species benefit  Salt water- clown fish living in a sea anemone  Rain forest –bird eating bugs out of a tree  Desert- man walking his dog  Tundra- fungi on tree  Forest – fungi on tree  Fresh water – worm living in crab shell

3  Scavenger- When animals eat other dead animals.  Forest- vulture eating dead carcass  Tundra- polar bears will eat dead animals  Fresh water- snails will eat fish after they died  Desert – vulture eating dead carcass  Salt water – sharks eating meat off of dead whales  Rain forest – jaguars will eat dead animals for there meat

4  Predator/Prey- predator hunts and eats the prey  Salt water- shark hunting a seal  Fresh water –crocodile hunting a deer  Rain forest – jaguar hunting wild boar  Tundra – polar bear hunting penguin or fish  Forest – mountain lion hunting a wild turkey or deer  Desert – owl hunting mouse

5  Parasitism- When one benefits and the other is harmed  Forest – Tape worm in humans or animals  Desert - Tick on a dog  Tundra – Tape worm in Caribou  Rain forest – leeches sucking blood of animals  Saltwater - Sea Lice on the Sun Fish  Fresh water – a leech sucking the blood of other animals.

6  Commensalism- when one benefits and the other isn't harmed.  Salt water- clown fish in sea anemone  Rain forest – plants living on trees sheltering and feeding tree frogs  Fresh Water – the mosquito drinking blood off of animals  Forest – moss growing on a red wood tree  Tundra – the arctic fox follows large predators for food  Desert – wood pecker getting nutrients out of a cactus

7  When animals try to get attention of the opposite sex or same sex  Forest – mountain lion fighting other mountain lions to get attention from females  Rain forest – jaguar fighting other jaguars to get attention of females  Tundra – polar bears fighting to get attention of females  Desert – bobcats fighting to get attention of females  Fresh water – crocodiles fight to mate with females  Salt water – seals call dominance to mate with other females in the pack

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