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MARK 5:21-34 Biblical implications for the woman Practical Implications for the woman with the issue of blood; Woman was marginalised and impoverished,

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Presentation on theme: "MARK 5:21-34 Biblical implications for the woman Practical Implications for the woman with the issue of blood; Woman was marginalised and impoverished,"— Presentation transcript:


2 MARK 5:21-34 Biblical implications for the woman Practical Implications for the woman with the issue of blood; Woman was marginalised and impoverished, a social outcast; No husband, no children, no love “Nothing brings on inspiration more readily than desperation.” – Harry Shearer

3 A Benefit to Hopelessness?
The feeling of hopelessness often precedes a person turning their lives over to Christ.

4 Significance of the Tzitzit
Bottom of the garment Strongest point of the Garment To reach it, one has to bend down To reach it, one has to be at a point lower than the hem of the garment It was used as a constant reminder to walk in obedience “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them”

5 Where was her focus? She decided to choose courage over fear
She focussed on developing a plan of Action instead of her limiting circumstances KEY POINT: You will only move out of your comfort zone when your desperate desire outweighs your fear The process which leads to Desperation Desperation Stoppers She chose Hero mentality instead of victim mentality

6 Strategic Thinking “If only I can get close to Him I shall be made whole...” She had a very clear plan to accompany her Vision: SHE SILENCED HER INSECURITIES She could’ve said: I have been cast out, demeaned, abused, etc. But she decided not to... II Corinthians 4: “I’ve been pressed but not crushed” SHE IDENTIFIED EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTED (A Better Life for herself) 3. SHE SET A GOAL

7 Strategic Thinking “If you fail to Plan, you plan to fail”
SHE APPEALED TO GOD’S JUST AND RIGHTEOUS NATURE - God is a righteous God, He wants the best for everyone 5. SHE IDENTIFIED A CATALYST FOR HER HEALING (SOLUTION-MINDED THINKING) She had heard about Jesus and His healing “Faith comes by Hearing and hearing by the Word of God” – The word became flesh “If you fail to Plan, you plan to fail”

We have to develop reckless Faith Don’t accept a mediocre life, always require more from yourself SHE RECEIVED FREEDOM AND LIBERT Jesus’ final words to her was: “Daughter, your Faith has made you well, Go in Peace and be healed of your affliction” Christ’s healing is a complete healing

9 The Power-Touch What made her touch different from the other people?
She didn’t wait for Jesus to come to her... KEY POINT: “A mindset of self-pity will cause you to miss your opportunity” “There comes a point where we need to stop complaining and start asking for what we want” “I DON’T WANT GOD’S PITY, I WANT HIS BLESSING”

10 The Power Touch “Turn your obstacles into stepping Stones”
V 30: “...Jesus, immediately knowing that power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said: Who touched My Clothes?” The power was already there for the taking Hebrews 11:1 – “Faith is the evidence of things not seen, the substance of things hoped for” “Turn your obstacles into stepping Stones”

11 Your breakthrough will come when you are willing to get on your knees
KEY POINTS Get close to Jesus; Your breakthrough will come when you are willing to get on your knees Let go of your Limitations Obedience is key Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your understanding “Desperation will defy Limitation”

12 In Your Life? Have you ever felt desperate?
Have you been in a situation emotionally, socially, financially, physically, or spiritually when you could only see the danger ahead and you did not know how you were going to get out of the trouble that you were in?

13 Breakthrough Jesus already paid the price for us...
If we will become desperate enough we will receive our breakthrough. Sometimes we think that we have to wait for God, but what if God is waiting for us to make the first move... JAMES 4:8: “Draw near unto God and He will draw near unto you”

14 Psalm 22:24 24 For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. David, Jesus, or ourselves may feel desperate but God is listening.

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