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1.The Olympic Games, ___ in 776 B. C., didn’t include women until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be playing 考点点拨 2.

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Presentation on theme: "1.The Olympic Games, ___ in 776 B. C., didn’t include women until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be playing 考点点拨 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.The Olympic Games, ___ in 776 B. C., didn’t include women until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be playing 考点点拨 2. What’s the language ___ in Germany? A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak

2 3. 从上面看, 体育场好像一个鸟巢。 ____ from the top, the stadium looks like a bird nest. A. Seeing B. Seen 4. 从太空看, 宇航员看不到长城。 ____ from the space, the astronaut can not discover the Great Wall. A. Seeing B. Seen

3 Difference between the Present Participle and the Past Participle _____for a long time, the book looks old. 由于用了很长时间,这本书看上去很旧. ______ the book, I find it useful. 在使用的过程中,我发现这本书很有用. ________ at her, he jumped with joy. _______at by her, he jumped with joy. Used Using Looking Looked

4 3._____ black and blue, the lady couldn’t move. A. Beaten B. Beating C. To be beaten D. To beat 4. ____ everywhere, the wolves had no where ____ themselves. A. Hunting, hiding B. To hunt, to hide C. Hunted, hiding D. Hunted, to hide 5. The ____ morning, the father came into the lonely house, ____ by his naughty boy. A. following; following B. followed; followed C. following; followed D. followed; following

5 6. ___ better attention, the vegetables could have grown better with the sun shining brightly in the sky and ___ them light. A. Giving; given B. Given; given C. Giving; giving D. Given; giving 8. When __, the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed

6 9.When _____ her father, the girl burst into crying. A. asking of B. asked abut C. being asked D. asked 10.The man kept silent in the room unless _____. A. spoken B. speaking C. to speak D. spoken to 11.If ___ ill, I’ll stay home _____ a good rest. A. to fall; taking B. fall; to taking C. falling; taking D. falling; take

7 1. I like reading the novels ______ (write ) by Zhang Ailing. 2. The girl ______ (write) a letter in the study is my cousin. 3.There is something wrong with my car and I have to get it _______ (repair). written writing repaired Filling in the blanks.

8 4. I want the doors of my new house ______ (paint) white. 5. There was a ________ (surprise) look on his face. 6. He was ______ (excite) at the good news. 7. The story was so ______ (move) that he was ______ (move) to tears. painted surprised excited moving moved

9 Enjoy some beautiful sentences _______ (move) by what I said, she stood there for a moment. 感我此言良久 ( 白居易 琵琶行 ) _______ the talent by the heaven, I will employ it! (give) 天生我材必有用 ( 李白 将进酒 ) _______ at dawn from a misty dream, I read, a year late, news from home. (wake) 远梦归侵晓, 家书到隔年 ( 杜牧 旅宿 ) When ________ under a pine-tree, "My teacher," the pupil answered, " went for herbs”. (question) 松下问童子, 言师采药去。 ( 贾岛 寻隐者不遇 ) Moved Given waken questioned

10 2. Answer keys for Ex. 2 on page 20: Write down the phrases: for 2. take up 3. sweep up down 5. carry up Suggested answers for the sentences: for 2. carried up 3. press down 4. sweep up 5.take up

11 Wanted: good workers for space Many people need to be________of the job opportunities on space stations, which _________ need space cooks, cleaners, teachers, and computer engineers. You can be _____ trained with one-year space course and then be ready to enjoy the benefits of working in space. People are _______ at first but soon feel better as families are encouraged to come. For health reasons, only one stay of three years is allowed. So any ______ experience working in space for this length of time means you cannot apply. Many people ______ to stay longer but the _____ between illness and length of stay on a space station is too strong. It is sad but the rules cannot be ___ for anyone. remindedconstantlyswiftlypressunsettledprevious bent link constant remind unsettle previous bend press swiftly link

12 Using Language

13 Complete the phrases with prepositions from the passage First Impressions : 1. __ the earth 2. __ the future 3. __ no time 4. _____ the ground 5. __ bending and pressing down in above by on

14 6. __ all directions 7. __ a computer screen 8. ____ _____ the floor in on fromunder

15 I have seen amazing things.


17 Modern Inventions of the 31st Century Only to be seen on the Space Station communicat ion Waste Disposal Manufact uring inventi on thoughtpadmanufact uring robots Use the information from the reading passage to fill in this poster for the Space Station. a waste machine

18 advanta ges 1 2 disadva ntages None efficient Environ mentally friendly Thoughts must be clear or messages may be mixed up 1 no waste 2 no pollution 3 no environ mental damage 1 disposes of all waste 2 turns them into three grades of useful material People must live on a space station to monitor the robots

19 Discussion In pairs discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living on a space station. For example: would you like to live and work in one? What would you do with your spare time? Prepare to report to the class.

20 Let me consider. 让我仔细想想。 I am considering the purchase of car. 我在考虑买一辆车。 We must consider giving it a try. 我们应当考虑试一试。 We should consider what to do next. 我们应当考虑一下怎么办。

21 2. You place the metal band over your head, clear your mind, press the sending button, think your message and the next instant it’s sent. instant 在这里是名词,意思是 “ 顷刻, 刹那 ” 。如: I‘ll be back in an instant. 我马上就回来。 I don't like to drink instant coffee. 我不喜欢喝速溶咖啡。

22 3. A giant machine, always greedy for more, swallows all the waste available. greedy adj 贪婪的 He looked at the shop window with greedy eyes. 他用贪婪的眼光看着商店 的橱窗。 The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party. 那个贪吃的小男孩把宴会 上所有的糖果都吃光了。

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