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  Text Study Text Study   Idea Sharing Idea Sharing   Notes to the Text Notes to the Text   Words and Expressions Words and Expressions   Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "  Text Study Text Study   Idea Sharing Idea Sharing   Notes to the Text Notes to the Text   Words and Expressions Words and Expressions   Writing."— Presentation transcript:


2   Text Study Text Study   Idea Sharing Idea Sharing   Notes to the Text Notes to the Text   Words and Expressions Words and Expressions   Writing Writing

3 1 6  Summary Summary  Understanding Understanding  Reproduction Reproduction  Structure Analysis Structure Analysis

4 1 6 Two trash-men are very exhausted and raged because of their work as trash-man and people’s responses to their greeting. But they still have their own attitudes towards the job. Now make lists of major points. I. Understanding Text Study—Understanding

5 1 6 haul trash for 4 hours continuously shoulder hurt wickedly legs occasionally trembled no joy in it dump, lift, walk, lift 1. The work as a trash-man: Text Study—Understanding

6 1 6 nothing a surprised stare startled retreat indoors frightened coldness 2. People’s response to greeting from a trash-man: Text Study—Understanding

7 1 6 nothing do it for the money, not the only work he can do not be ashamed of it, but not boast about it not dirty as good as we are 3. Steve’s attitude to his own work: Text Study—Understanding

8 1 6 exercise outdoors in clean air not dirty on the job essential task leave this country a little cleaner respect for trash-men 4. Author’s attitude to his own work: Text Study—Understanding

9 1 6 II. Structure Analysis General Statement + Examples + Restatement What is the general statement? What are the specific examples? What is the restatement? A. The Writing Model: Text Study—Structure Analysis

10 1 6 The General Statement (the Main Idea) Most of people look down upon trash-men. Text Study—Structure Analysis

11 1 6 The Specific Examples 1. Response to my greetings showed that people weren’t often friendly. (Paras.5-6) Examples ① - ④ 2. People look down on trash-men. (Paras.8-9) Examples ① - ② 3. Things made Steve raged. Text Study—Structure Analysis

12 1 6 3. Things made Steve raged: a. The way most people look at trash-man show that they think a trash-man was ________; they don’t realize trash-men are ______. (Para.6) b. I didn’t tell anyone I’m a ___________. (Para.10) c. A friend _____ at her kids, asking them to _______ from the trash-men. (Para.11) garbage man human a monster yelled stay away Text Study—Structure Analysis

13 1 6 Restatement A society which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is in for trouble. We should call for respect for both our economists and our trash-men. (Para.14) Text Study—Structure Analysis

14 1 6 B. The Way to Develop Paragraphs: Viewpoint + Examples With examples, a statement or viewpoint can be well-illustrated. Text Study—Structure Analysis

15 1 6 Find out the examples of Paras. 5, 6, 8, and 9. Text Study—Structure Analysis

16 1 6 Response to my greetings showed that people weren’t often friendly. viewpoint: Example 1: Occasionally, I got a direct reply from someone who looked me in the eye, smiled and responded. Paras. 5-6 Example 2: But most often the response was either nothing at all or a surprised stare. Text Study—Structure Analysis

17 1 6 Response to my greetings showed that people weren’t often friendly. viewpoint: Paras. 5-6 Example 4: Another woman stared at me. She seemed frightened as she turned coldly away. Example 3: One woman was startled as I came, she gathered her housecoat tightly about her & retreated quickly indoors. Text Study—Structure Analysis

18 1 6 People look down on trash-men.Viewpoint: Example 1: If you say “hello” to them, they stare at you in surprise. They do not realize we’re human. Paras. 8-9 Example 2: Once I told a lady not to put ashes in her trash- can. She said, “Who are you to say what goes? You’re nothing but a trash-man.” Text Study—Structure Analysis

19 1 6 III. Summary Both Steve and I are _________ after four hours’ continuous hard work. The work as a trash-man is boring and ____. Dump. Lift. Walk. Lift. On Saturday, we want to exchange greetings with people. However, we’re __________ by the way we are treated with. Most of people _____________ us. They think the job of trash-men is dirty, so ___ trash-men. As a matter of fact, trash-men have done an _________ work. It’s trash-men who make the country cleaner and more beautiful! People should _______ others whether he is an economist or a trash-man. astonished dull are exhausted essential respect Text Study—Summary look down upon

20 1 6 IV. Reproduction Suppose your are the author, work with your partner to talk about what you think of the work of collecting garbage or other kinds of work which are looked down upon. Try to use enough examples to support your statement. Remember to use the words & phrases you learned from the text. A sample beginning Text Study—Reproduction

21 1 6 A: What do you think of the work as a …? B. I could not have imagined there would be joy in this, but … A Sample Beginning Text Study—Reproduction

22  Active Expressions Active Expressions  Focus Study Focus Study

23 1 6 I. Active Expressions In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. What’s on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演什么? What’s he up to? 他忙什么呢?e.g. Notes to the Text—Active Expressions

24 1 6 1. There wasn’t time for lengthy talks but enough to exchange greetings that go with civilized ways. 2. …a society which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers is in for trouble. 3. But I don’t go around boasting about it either. 4. Neither its pipe nor its theories will hold water. 5. …and call for respect for both our economists and our trash-men. Find out the active expressions: Notes to the Text—Active Expressions

25 1 6 go with match or suit sth. look down on/upon have a poor opinion of sb. being below one’s social level boast about/of speak too proudly of hold water turn out to be reliable, be sound call for demand sth. or sb. Notes to the Text—Active Expressions Practice

26 1 6 1. 棕色皮鞋与黑衣服不相配。 2. 他们都是些看不起人的势利眼 (snob) 。 3. 她爱在同学们面前吹嘘自己有钱。 4. 你的看法很荒唐,根本站不住脚。 5. 你的购房计划需要很多钱。 Notes to the Text—Active ExpressionsTranslation Keys

27 1 6 1.Brown shoes don’t go with a black suit. 2.They are snobs who look down upon common people. 3.She enjoys boasting of her wealth to her classmates. 4.Your view is absurd and doesn’t hold water. 5.Your plan to buy the house will call for a lot of money. More practice Notes to the Text—Active Expressions

28 1 6 1. 哈妮的蓝色连衣裙与她那双水汪汪的大眼睛 很相配。 2. 现代中国有钱人越来越多了,你会看不起穷 人吗? 3. 别自吹自擂了,我们都听说了。 4. 对于钱的来源,他的解释没一个能成立。 5. 要想考得好,就得多用功。 More Practice Notes to the Text—Active Expressions Keys

29 1 6 1.Honey’s blue dress goes well with her big dancing eyes. 2.We’ve more and more rich people in China nowadays. Will you look down upon the poor? 3.Don’t boast about yourself. We all heard about it. 4.None of his explanation of where the money came from holds water. 5.Success in examination calls for much hard work. Notes to the Text—Active Expressions

30 1 6 1. But most often the response was either nothing at all, or a surprised stare because I had spoken. either … or …, ① 或者 ······ 或者 ······ ②不是 ······ 就是 ······ II. Focus Study Practice Notes to the Text—Focus Study

31 1 6 She’s the kind of person you either love or hate. 你选吧,不是她走就是我走! 她就是那种人,你可能会爱上她,也可能会恨她。 Note: 连接两个主语时,遵循 “ 就近原则 ” 。Translation It’s your choice! Either she leaves or I will. Notes to the Text—Focus StudyKeys

32 1 6 2. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water, … neither … nor … 既不 ······ 也不 ······ Practice It’s used when the two linked are mentioned and both are not possible.Note: Notes to the Text—Focus Study

33 1 6 这套设备既不精确也不安全。 她全无表情,既不笑也不哭。 The equipment is neither accurate nor safe. NoteNote: 连接两个主语时,遵循 “ 就近原则 ” 。Translation She was expressionless, neither laughing nor crying. Notes to the Text—Focus Study Practice

34 1 6 1. Either you or I _______ going there tomorrow. 2. Neither he nor you ____ going to buy the book. 3. _____ either you or I going to Beijing next week? 4. Neither mum nor sisters _____ at home last night. 5. Either you or she _____ good at drawing. 6. Neither I nor he _____ to school by bike. A mini-test am are Are were is goes Notes to the Text—Focus Study

35  Chinese to English Chinese to English  Word Using Word Using  Old to New Old to New

36 1 6 1. haul vt. to pull or drag forcibly transport, as with a truck or cart 水手们用力把船拖上岸。 水手们用力把船拖上岸。 The sailors hauled the boat up onto the shore. I. Word UsingTranslation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using

37 1 6 2. image vt. ① to make a copy of the form of sth.; make a picture of 很难设想一个没有法律的社会会是怎么样的。 It is hard to image a society without law.Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using

38 1 6 2. image n. ② a copy of object(s); mental picture of an object I cannot make an image of that old novel in I cannot make an image of that old novel in my mind. my mind. 这本小说在我脑海里的印象已经不深了。Key Translation 他的长相酷似他父亲。 He is the very image of his father. He is the very image of his father. Words and Expressions—Word Using

39 1 6 Practice imagine — 想象 Imaginable — 能想象的,可想象到的 Imaginary — 假象的,虚构的 Imaginative — 富有想象力的 - All the troubles are __________. - an ____________ writer - every ___________ means - I didn’t __________ becoming a writer in my childhood. imaginary imaginative imaginable imagine Words and Expressions—Word Using

40 1 6 3. dump vt. to drop carelessly; to get rid of goods by selling them at a much lower price The truck dumped its load of sand on the driveway. 他们向外国倾销剩余产品。 卡车将沙子卸在车道上。 They dump their surplus production on foreign countries.Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using

41 1 6 4. register vi. to show, make known; to write in a list or record 她脸上露出了惊异之色。 Parents have to register the birth of their kid. Her face registered surprise. 父母必须为孩子作出生登记。Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using

42 1 6 5. retreat vi. to move back, especially when forced; to escape The enemy retreated after heavy losses. 我不会躲避承诺的义务。 敌人在重创之后撤退了。 I will not retreat from my commitments.Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using

43 1 6 6. rage vi. to talk without control of anger 因电脑崩溃,他便对女儿大发雷霆。 He raged at his daughter for the breaking down of the computer.Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using

44 1 6 6. rage n. (sudden feeling of) severe anger 他勃然大怒, 叫人把狗锁进了一间小屋。 He was in such a rage that he had the dog locked in a small room.Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using

45 1 6 7. folk n. ① one’s relatives; people 读大学时,我定期写信回家。 Folks around here don’t take too kindly to strangers. I wrote regularly to my folks when studying in the university. 这里的人对陌生人不太友好。Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using

46 1 6 7. folk adj. ② of or having to do with the common people, their beliefs, stories, customs, and the like It is often used as folk medicine to cure snake bites. 它常被用作民间药物治疗蛇咬伤。Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using

47 1 6 8. contrary to completely different from 他不听医生的忠告,跑去游泳。 Contrary to his doctor’s advice, he went swimming.Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using

48 1 6 9. harm n. ① damage; wrong or hurt Harm set, harm get. 害人反害己。Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using

49 1 6 9. harm vt. ② to hurt; to cause damage to Will this cleaning fluid harm the furniture? 我的狗绝不会伤害任何人。 这种清洁剂会损害家具吗 ? My dog will harm no one at all.Translation Key Words and Expressions—Word Using

50 1 6 10. be in for unable to escape; sure to get or have The weather report says we are in for a storm. 天气预报说将有风暴。Key Translation Words and Expressions—Word Using Practice

51 1 6 Fill in the blanks with the following words and phrases. A mini-test Words and Expressions be in for contrary to dump haul register rage retreat tremble folk

52 1 6 1. If you want to get into that tunnel, you first have to ______ away all the rocks. 2. The leaves _______ on the tree in cold wind. 3. There are special places where you can _____ things you don’t want. 4. He acted _________ reason. 5. In a fit of a ______, Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu wrongly. 6. We _________ some difficulties in our negotiation with the competitors. Words and Expressions haul tremble dump contrary to rage are in for

53 1 6 7. The tanker is __________ in Rotterdam. 8. Is it OK if I call my ____ ? 9. He saw the girl and ________, too shy to speak to her. 10. How many students have _________ for English class? 11. Young ____ these days don’t know the meaning of Chinese traditional festivals. 12. The army's ______ was orderly. Words and Expressions registered folks retreated registered folk retreat

54 1 6 II. Old to New a. unable to hear b. completely different from c. painful from a wound d. without a stop e. first, earliest f. honest g. unable to escape deaf contrary to sore continuous original frank be in for Words and Expressions—Old to New

55 1 6 boast about wicked retreat register spontaneously yell response h. speak too proudly of i. serious, morally wrong j. escape k. record; show l. happening in a natural way m. shout out n. reply, an action done in answer Words and Expressions—Old to New

56 1 6 o. go to p. match, suit q. feel embarrassed r. shake uncontrollably s. easy to talk to t. visit a number of people or places head to go with be ashamed of tremble approachable make the rounds Words and Expressions—Old to New

57 1 6 III. Chinese to English 想象不到其中的乐趣 直视某人 肯定会倒霉 有礼貌地互相问好 这理论将行不通。 cannot image there will be joy in it look sb. in the eye be in for trouble exchange greetings that go with civilized ways The theory will not hold water. Words and Expressions—C to E

58 1 6  A Comparison of a CEO and a Cleaner A Comparison of a CEO and a Cleaner

59 1 6 Make a comparison of a CEO and a cleaner in a big company, following the steps below: Tips I. A Comparison of a CEO and a Cleaner Step 1 List what are in common in their jobs. Step 2 List the differences in their jobs. Step 3 Discuss: What makes a job honorable? Do you think a cleaner deserves being looked down upon? (open- ended) Idea Sharing

60 1 6 A comparison of a CEO and a cleaner in a big company Work in the same building and for the same boss Earn money for living Fullfil the need for diversity in the workplace Satisfy the need of feeling appreciated in the job Things in common in their jobs: Idea Sharing

61 1 6 a CEOa cleaner jobgeneral, comprehensive minor, specific pressuretake more responsibility take little responsibility for the company’s achievement joymore diversitylittle diversity payhigh-paidlow-paid Differences in their jobs: Idea Sharing

62 1 6  General Statement General Statement General Statement With Examples With Examples  Practical Writing Practical Writing Practical Writing

63 1 6 When you use different specific examples to illustrate your view- point, you are supporting your general statement with examples. Read the following paragraph and underline the general statement and the examples. I. General Statement Supported by Examples Writing—Variety of Sentence Structure

64 1 6 Yesterday was an awful day for me when everything I did went wrong. I didn’t hear my alarm clock and arrived late for work. I didn’t read my diary properly and forgot to get to an important meeting with my boss. During the coffee break, I dropped my coffee cup and spoilt my new skirt. At lunch time, I left my purse on the bus and lost all the money in it. Then I didn’t notice a sign on a door that said “Wet Paint” and I spoilt my jacket. When I got home I couldn’t get into my flat because I had left my key in my office. It was simply an awful day! General Statement examples ( 先提主题再举例说明 ) Writing—Variety of Sentence Structure

65 1 6 Modern literature in most countries deals with social issues. For example, many contemporary novels of Africa depict the lives of ordinary people struggling against adversity. Further- more, poetry from America speaks out against social and economic oppression. In still another instance, modern European drama enacts the fate of the working man in his drab confrontation with life. Even films, popular songs, and folk dramas from all around the world, tell the story of the little man and his battle against the giants of impersonal corporations, remote governments, or aggressive neighboring nations. General Statementexamples ( 先提主题再举例说明 ) Writing—Variety of Sentence Structure

66 1 6 Write a paragraph of about 80 words on a particular person you’re deeply impressed, trying to support your general statement with particular examples. Writing Task A Hard-working Housewife Sample Topic Writing—Variety of Sentence Structure

67 1 6 My mother is one of the most hard-working housewives in the world. Every morning, she began to prepare breakfast for us while we were still in our dreams. As soon as we came back home from school, we could enjoy our delicious food elaborately prepared by Mother. What’s more, our rooms were always bright and clean, and our books, clothes, shoes, etc. were always in good order. Furthermore, everyone of our family could have a glass of hot milk before going to bed. Sample Writing—Variety of Sentence Structure

68 1 6 II. Practical Writing How to Write an Eulogy What is a memorable eulogy? 1. What is a memorable eulogy? An eulogy is a funeral oration given in tribute to a person or people who have recently died. NOTE: No matter how you choose to write an eulogy, do remember to write in a positive light. Writing—Practical Writing

69 1 6 What that person held as important in life? What they chose as their profession? How they affected the world around them? Keep the following in mind when writing a memorable eulogy : 2. Keep the following in mind when writing a memorable eulogy : Writing—Practical Writing

70 1 6 Life history: a short summary of someone’s life. Shared memories: a personal memories that you shared with them. Poem or reading. Elements that makes a good funeral speeches: 3. Elements that makes a good funeral speeches: Sample Legacy: their achievements and what they have left after them— completed projects, changed lives, children. Writing—Structure Writing

71 1 6 Your Task: Write a memorable eulogy of about 150 words for Mr. Phil Smith (the company man), and deliver it to your classmates in the next class. Writing—Practical Writing

72 1 6 To Section B The End of Section A

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