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The Age of Connection and the Connected Learner presented by: Anne Bartlett-Bragg.

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Connection and the Connected Learner presented by: Anne Bartlett-Bragg."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age of Connection and the Connected Learner presented by: Anne Bartlett-Bragg

2 Learning in the Information Age Learning dominated by: Access Information – masses of it Google Delivery Distribution Focused on learning as an end product or acquisition model Some great examples – remember Froguts?? Brilliant use for hard to teach or hard to test abstract concepts Practice skills Interact or examine concepts, models or theories

3 Renovating learning with technology Adding technology to existing subjects / courses Converting materials to digital formats Adding computers to classrooms

4 Enhancing learning processes with technology Learner Management Systems (LMS) Enrolments, timetabling, student records Student / lecturer communication Asynchronous discussion boards Lectures notes, PowerPoint slides Do these processes really enhance the learning experience?

5 Learning in the Age of Connection Learning dominated by: Always on – continuous computing Laptops, handhelds, mobile phones Invisible, portable information fields Wireless networks Constant connectivity Increased levels of collaboration – beyond the classroom

6 Social Software Software that supports group interaction Software that lets people rendezvous, connect or collaborate…results in the creation of shared interactive spaces. Includes 1 or more of the following: Support for conversational interaction between individuals or groups (eg. IM or asynchronous discussion forums) Support for the development of personalised social networks –new connections –knowledge sharing - RSS

7 Social Software Applications IM Chat Weblogs Wikis RSS & aggregation – eg. Bloglines Social bookmarking - eg. Del.ici.ious Social sharing services – eg. Flickr

8 Let’s go exploring….. Wiki – Social sharing services – eg. FlickrFlickr LTUG weblog Skype RSS & aggregation – eg. BloglinesBloglines Social bookmarking - eg. ELGG – Digital Dialogues

9 Social Software: Implications for Learning New learning theories: Connectivism: Learning is a process of connecting Maintaining connections Ability to see connections between ideas & concepts Managing information George Siemens (2005)

10 Social Software: Implications for Institutions Radically re-conceptualise the learning culture Changes the essence of what it means to communicate and learn Customisable Learning Landscapes Eg. ELGG – hybrid web-logging, e-Portfolios, and social networking

11 Social Software: Implications for Educators Opportunity to enrich the learning experience Landscape Architects or Designers Trusted source: guiding, advising on technology options, facilitating network contacts, Empowering learners to identify & customise their personal landscape

12 Social Software: The Challenges & Issues Connectivity / access Critical literacy Digital literacy Institutional IT policies Our (as educators) perceptions of teaching & learning

13 The future: If you don’t know where you are going, then it doesn’t matter which road you take, does it? Cheshire Cat Alice in Wonderland

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