EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 1 Scientific e-Infrastructure : DORII approach Instanbul, September 24th, 2008 Norbert Meyer, Poznań Supercomputing.

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1 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 1 Scientific e-Infrastructure : DORII approach Instanbul, September 24th, 2008 Norbert Meyer, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center on behalf of

2 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 2 Project partners Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, PSNC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, CSIC Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni, CNIT Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA, ELETTRA European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering, EUCENTRE Johannes Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, LMU Universität Stuttgart, USTUTT Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, OGS Ecohydros SL, ECOHYDROS Greek Research and Technology Network S.A., GRNET Universidad de Cantabria, UC

3 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 3 DORII in a nutshell  DORII – Deployment of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure  Started – Feb. 1st, 2008 + 30 months  11 partners:  scientific community  IT partners  Service providers: services + infrastructure  industry  7 FP project, started at the Infrastructure Unit  Grant agreement for: Combination of Collaborative projects & Coordination and support action  Call1: Deployment of e-Infrastructures for scientific communities

4 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 4  Integration of instrumentation and selected applications with e-Infrastructure and maintenance on production level  Adaptation of e-Infrastructure across selected areas of science and engineering  Step forward in accessing scientific instruments  combine the experimental science community and its research facilities with the support given by e-Infrastructure  Deployment and operation of persistent, production quality, distributed instrumentation integrated with e-Infrastructure  to provide added values of e-Infrastructure in the integrated environment of scientific and engineering instrumentation, networking, visualisation and computational infrastructures  Generalize and deploy a framework environment that can be used for fast prototyping  to use expertise and demands collected from various groups/owners of scientific instrumentation  to integrate selected functionalities from infrastructure and ICT-oriented projects Objectives

5 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 5  The selected user groups is a balanced sample of all existing European and international communities  Their daily activities will benefit greatly after the integration with e-Infrastructure  And even more… Deploying the results to a wider community outside the project  MOON (Mediterranean Ocean Observing Network),  European organisation EuroGOOS  ECOHYDROS – represents the industry area (SME) Scientific community  Earthquake community:  Network-centric seismic simulations  Earthquake early warning system  Environment community with selected applications:  Oceanographic and coastal observation and modelling  Mediterranean Ocean Observing Network  Experimental science community  On-line data analysis - synchrotron and free electron lasers  Reference installation mentioned by ESFRI

6 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 6 Mediterranean Ocean Observing Network an integrated system from sensors to model predictions Case Study

7 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 7 Application Example  Oceanographic and coastal observation and modelling Mediterranean Ocean Observing Network: an integrated system from sensors to model predictions  The main OGS application is devoted to develop a work flow control between observing sensors and numerical model:  from the measured data to the numerical simulations, passing through data transmission, data receiving, data quality check, data pre-processing, data flow control, data assimilation (both physical and biological);  post-processing of model outputs: visualization, dissemination…

8 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 8 Floats deployment

9 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 9 1) Steering possibility: - repeated sections - virtual mooring - respond to events - adaptive sampling using model forecasts to improve “Glider Routing“ 2) Long endurance (to be soon even more increased with Lithium batteries = 3-5 months ~ 2000-3000 km) 3) Possibility to measure many parameters physical and biogeochemical (optical properties) 4) Very high density and horizontal resolution (400m-2km) > numerical model grid size 5) Complementarity with the other observing system components: - Satellite data - Argo floats - Moorings - Ships of opportunity XBT lines Start End 7 km 7.25 km 6.3 km Deployment of 1 st Italian glider in Ligurian Sea GLIDER properties

10 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 10 Expectations  In our implementation we prioritise two applications that appear to represent a good and significant test, easily expandable and portable/scalable:  control and interaction with the network of free-floating profiling buoys  demonstrate the capability of tracking the data flow from generic oceanographic autonomous multi-parametric measuring platforms equipped with a variety of sensors;  implement a GUI to facilitate operator control of the system functioning;  create a protocol for remote bi-directional control to be implemented in the new generation of floats that will be deployed in the next years.  the ecosystem model operational chain  implement a GUI to facilitate operator control of the system functioning (synchronisation of the processes, timeliness of data exchange);  integrate a visual browser into the operational chain to remotely track (and/or eventually stir) the simulation, and communicate with remote operators;  seamlessly link a scientific visualization tool(s) for model output exploration.

11 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 11 The instrument (glider) is programmed to follow a specific route and performs temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophyll, turbidity profiles It transmits the data through a satellite link (Iridium) and the data are received at OGS dock server (as binary files) The processing starts converting the binary files into ASCII files Graphics of data are generated and posted on the web The entire processing is not automated yet. In this application, there is the possibility to interact with the instruments and change the mission parameters The current use case

12 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 12 Glider controling, data processing and visualisation DORII aim - new workflow VCR

13 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 13 1.The platform (GLIDER) sends/receives signals to/from satellites. The transmitter is programmed to send signals to satellites at periodic intervals. Moreover, GLIDER can be programmed so as to follow a specific path 2.Iridium satellites pick up the signals, collect the data, store the data on- board and relay them in real-time back to earth (Ground Station) 3.By means of the Instrument Element, the sensor network is “virtualized” and data collected through the “sensor network” may be delivered to the developer/maintainer. The GLIDER path may also be programmed and modified by the developer/maintainer 4.The developer/maintainer may access the system by using a VCR (Virtual Control Room) 5.Acquired Data are stored 6.The pre-processing application is executed on the stored data. Processing centres, such as OGS, collect all incoming data, process them and distribute them to the users 7.Processed data is stored 8.The results can be visualized by the end users 9.Users around the world may access the data DORII aim - new workflow (cont.)

14 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 14 Network infrastructure

15 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 15 Data processing User Interface Computing Element Storage Worker Node

16 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 16 Light in the tunnel

17 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 17 Software components

18 EGEE conference, Instanbul, Sept. 25th, 2008 18 Introduced an architecture which integrates the existing hardware components –specific instrumentation, network and computational resources GEANT, NRENs, grid, HPC, user community infrastructure and instrumentation Introduced new components on top of gLite (EGEE) –DORII –Former correlated with EGEE projects: GRIDCC,, gEclipse, RINGrid Following components used/integrated or developed by DORII already within the RESPECT programme –Virtual Control Room (VCR) –Instrument Element –i2gLogin –Migrating Desktop Summary

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