God’s Blueprint for the Family Genesis 2:18-23. Introductory Notes In the history of mankind, God has ordained three institutions: The church, government,

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Presentation on theme: "God’s Blueprint for the Family Genesis 2:18-23. Introductory Notes In the history of mankind, God has ordained three institutions: The church, government,"— Presentation transcript:

1 God’s Blueprint for the Family Genesis 2:18-23

2 Introductory Notes In the history of mankind, God has ordained three institutions: The church, government, and the home All three of these establishments are for man’s benefit and operate separate and apart from each other As one begins a study of marriage and the home, he must start at the beginning – The point where God first ordained the home

3 Introductory Notes Three important points surrounding God’s establishment of the home to discuss today Established by God Planned by God Governed by God

4 Established By God All that God had created was good in His sight After man was created God saw that it was not good for man to be alone We must go back to the Garden of Eden at the beginning of time to see the establishment of marriage and the home Genesis 1:26-28 – Genesis 2:7 – Genesis 2:18-24

5 Established By God Over time man corrupted the home and marriage and Christ went all the way back to the beginning to set the people straight Matthew 19:3-6 God established and ordained marriage and blessed the first union between man and woman Genesis 1:28 – Genesis 5:2

6 Planned By God The plan was and still is simple – One Man and One Woman for life Genesis 1:24 – Matthew 19:4-6 God’s intent for marriage is that it last for the life of those entering into it Romans 7:1-3 Any departure from this plan is sin Polygamy – 1 Corinthians 7:2 Homosexuality – Romans 1:26-27, 32

7 Planned By God God ordained marriage and He planned marriage to be honorable in all Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed is undefiled: but fornicators and adulterers God will judge”

8 Governed By God Since God has established and planned the home, He has every right to govern it He governs who may be married Genesis 1:24 – Matthew 19:9 He governs the physical relations of marriage Genesis 1:24 – Hebrews 13:4 - 1 Corinthians 7:3-5

9 Governed By God God governs the role of each partner in the marriage Ephesians 5:22-29 As we continue this series we will examine these roles in depth God has rule over every marriage that is in existence

10 Concluding Thoughts God has set the parameters for the home We must follow His desires For a home to be successful, those who enter into the covenant of marriage must build on the foundation of their spiritual relationship with God Where are you in your spiritual relationship with God today?

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