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2014 Annual Missions Celebration “FUTURE FOCUS” C. Thomas Wright Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Annual Missions Celebration “FUTURE FOCUS” C. Thomas Wright Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Annual Missions Celebration “FUTURE FOCUS” C. Thomas Wright Ph.D.

2 Ladders needed when highest goal and hardest work are out of reach

3 Just as each church member is important to their church, each cooperating church is important for us to pray for and share Jesus with every person in Mobile County.

4 “[I thank my God] for your fellowship (your sympathetic cooperation, contributions and partnership) in advancing the good news (the Gospel) from the first day [you heard it] until now.” Philippians 1:5 (AMP) Future focus needs COOPERATION

5 “Sympathetic Cooperation” is a Symbiosis. “The relationship between two different kinds of living things that live together and depend on each other.” Clownfish and anemone

6 Mutually beneficial when it includes “cooperation, contributions and partnership.” It benefits large AND small churches to advance the good news. The verse includes faithfulness- “from first day until now.” Nile Croc and Plover Bird

7 Future Focus requires good research “I think there is a world market for about five computers.” Thomas J. Watson, 1943, Chairman of the Board of IBM

8 Future Focus requires Good Assessment “Theoretically, television may be feasible, but I consider it an impossibility” Lee de Forest, 1926, inventor of the Cathode Ray Tube

9 Cooperation ~All 116 churches/rungs needed to reach the highest goal: Making an eternal difference in Mobile County. ~Some are members in name only. Wanting benefits of cooperation but don’t want the responsibility. Good stewardship requires us to focus resources on churches in good standing.

10 WARNING! Some denominational leaders have forgotten that every rung is essential to reach the goal. Only focusing on some rungs they consider are at the top is why our Cooperative Program is now in danger. Largest rungs are at the base.

11 2010 Census Data: 412,992 population 159, 859 (38.7%) are not members of ANY religious group. +60,000 (14.5%) are in a cult, sect or denomination but don’t know Jesus. Total: 53 % of Mobile County LOST Source The Need in Mobile County

12 ~Cooperation is essential. One Hundred and sixteen “rungs” have to work together to reach the highest and hardest work (eagerly recruiting more). ~ The cooperative financial and volunteer support of EVERY church member is needed to reach the 53% LOST population. ~We do this by faithful commitment to a church, association of churches, and state and national affiliations.

13 In the LAST 50 years: Population increase of 98,691! Started 68 churches Decreased by 42 churches: 25 disbanded, 10 merged, 7 withdrew, 2 disaffiliated, 1 Watchcare did not join. MBA net gain of 26 churches Current church/pop. ratio requires every church have 1,100 in attendance to be a churched county (pop. ratio v. number of MBA and evangelical churches)

14 John and Paul worked with the Ephesian church. This is all that’s left.

15 Corinthian Church is gone

16 The Hagia Sophia, Center of Christianity for 1000 years, became a Mosque.

17 Same is true for the original facilities in Jerusalem, Rome, and all seven churches. None of them survived. ALL of the MBA’s leading churches in past generations are now gone or struggling. We must prepare for the Future with new work and church development!

18 In the NEXT 50 years FFC: we need to retool to be better stewards and more effective Another 100,000 people will live here Lose another 40 MBA churches If no new churches, each remaining church will need an ATTENDANCE of 1,869 for Mobile to be a churched county

19 Reverse decline! Effective Churches include the Biblical Components of: Worship, Witness Missions, Ministry Fellowship and Discipleship Over or under emphases of any one will result in a declining church 82 % of SBC churches declining!

20 Future Church Development You have seen Chuck’s impact with 80% of MBA churches (large and small) involved in our training options. You will hear the MBA Finance Committee report this position supplement is being reduced by NAMB and gone by 2017. It is time for churches to examine allocation of church’s tithe to missions

21 Competing for Missions Dollars ~ Dozens of Para-church Ministries are competing for limited missions dollars. ~Check Book of Reports for guidelines of which Para-churches to support. ~Please Check the receipts report for how much your church gives to cooperative missions.

22 ~As you allocate missions tithe to various groups, please give the MBA equal time to present the relevance and effectiveness of cooperative ministry in Mobile. Missions Tithe: (at least) 3% MBA 5% CP 2% “ Great Commission”

23 Why support the MBA? Our staff helps church leaders find solutions to questions about every aspect of church life: *Budgeting, Building, Merging *Disbanding, Expanding, Reprimanding *Church birth, growth and outreach *Deacon, elder and teacher training *New LEAD Training Center

24 *Disaster Relief *Constitution & By-laws revisions *Conflict resolution *Speakers, interims and new staff *Pastor/Staff Search Committee training *Missions trips/evangelism options *Three evangelism party trailers *Students, Senior adults, Music *Biblical Prayer and Intercession

25 Or as summarized: *Biblical Prayer *Evangelistic Ministry *Church Development *Church Planting *Partnership Missions

26 needed to get anywhere. Testimonies Celeste Road Baptist Church 3Circle Semmes, 3Circle Midtown

27 CONCLUSION Please help your church members to see the symbiotic benefits of Associational partnership. Share at your church what you have learned in this meeting. Please check the tithe of your church to missions and encourage the church to give at least 3% to the MBA and 5% to CP to reach the future. Recommit to pray for and share Jesus with every person in Mobile County

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