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F O R E N S I C S SPEECH AND DEBATE TEAM. The Faces of Forensics.

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2 The Faces of Forensics


4 Areas of Competition  There are many different areas of competition. We will practice both speech and debate areas for these competitions.  When you go to compete you will pick two areas (although you will probably only compete in one).


6  Lincoln-Douglass Debate- One on one debate with a focus on morals and ethics. Example: Is socialism more just than capitalism?  Public Forum- Relaxed partner debate with a focus on persuasion through logic. Example: Should pilots be allowed to carry handguns in the cockpit?

7 Lincoln Douglas Debate  Lincoln Douglas Debate centers on a proposition of value, which concerns itself with what ought to be instead of what is. A value is an ideal held by individuals, societies, governments, etc. One debater upholds each side of the resolution from a value perspective. To that end, no plan (or counterplan) should be offered. A plan is defined by the NFL as a formalized, comprehensive proposal for implementation. The debate should focus on logical reasoning to support a general principle instead of particular plans and counterplans. Debaters may offer generalized, practical examples or solutions to illustrate how the general principle could guide decisions. Topics change every two months.

8 Policy Debate  Debaters work in pairs (teams) to address the school year's topic, either from the affirmative side (to propose a plan to solve a problem with the topic), or the negative side (to prove how the affirmative’s plan is flawed). Argumentation includes a constructive case, cross-examination, and refutation. Skills learned include research, policy analysis, case building, refutation, questioning, organization and communication.

9 Public Forum Debate  Public Forum Debate is audience friendly debate. Two pairs (teams) debate monthly controversial topics ripped from newspaper headlines. Rounds begin with a coin toss between the competing teams to determine side and order (Pro-Con or Con-Pro). Public Forum tests skills in argumentation, cross- examination, and refutation.


11 Extemporaneous Speaking (United States and International)  A contestant draws three questions, selects one, then has 30 minutes to prepare a speech in response. The contestant utilizes files of published materials (books, magazines, newspapers, online sources) s/he has compiled as a resource for answering the question. At the completion of the 30 minute preparation period, the student speaks on the topic for up to 7 minutes. The NFL divides extemp. into two separate events: United States (dealing with domestic issues), and International (issues beyond US borders).

12 Original Oratory  Orators are expected to research and speak intelligently, with a degree of originality, in an interesting manner, and with some profit to the audience, about a topic of significance. Although many orations deal with a current problem and propose a solution this is not the only acceptable form of oratory. Your oration may simply alert the audience to a threatening danger, strengthen its devotion to an accepted cause, or eulogize a person. An orator is given free choice of subject and judged solely on the effectiveness of development and presentation.

13 Dramatic Interpretation  This is an individual category in which the selections are dramatic in nature. Selections shall be cuttings from published-printed novels, short stories, plays, poetry, or any other printed-published materials. Presentations must be memorized, without props or costumes. The time limit is 10 minutes which includes an introduction.

14 Humorous Interpretation  This is an individual category in which the selections are humorous in nature. All other rules are the same as Dramatic Interpretation.

15 Duo Interpretation  This is a two-person category in which the selection may be either humorous or dramatic in nature. All other rules are the same as Dramatic Interpretation.

16 Impromptu Speaking  The Impromptu speech should be regarded as an original interpretation by the speaker of the designated topic as supported by varied materials and gives a contestant opportunity to be creative and imaginative. An impromptu speech should reveal the student's ability to organize her/his thoughts in a logical manner.

17 Poetry Reading  Poetry is writing which expresses ideas, experience, or emotion through the creative arrangement of words according to their sound, their rhythm, their meaning. Poetry may rely on verse and stanza form. Only published, printed works may be used. No plays or other dramatic materials may be used. A student may not use the same source used in Duo, Dramatic or Humorous at any NFL tournament.

18 Prose Reading  Prose expresses thought through language recorded in sentences and paragraphs: fiction (short stories, novels) and non-fiction (articles, essays, journals, biographies). A student may not use the same source used in Duo, Dramatic or Humorous at any NFL tournament.

19 Storytelling  Storytelling rules state a single published, printed story, anecdote, tale, myth or legend must be retold without notes or props. The student may not tell a story used previously in any NFL district and/or national tournament. The delivery must be extempore, not read. No book or script may be used. The contestant must not add original material or materially change the content of the story.

20 What you need to do… Go on the National Forensics League website and print off the guidelines: - About the league, competition events, PDF file named NFL's Official Competition Events GuideNFL's Official Competition Events Guide


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