The Bible Stories [Part 1] – 8 of 10. After the Hebrews left Egypt, the Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his soldiers to bring them back. The Hebrews.

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1 The Bible Stories [Part 1] – 8 of 10

2 After the Hebrews left Egypt, the Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his soldiers to bring them back. The Hebrews came to a sea that was too wide and deep to cross. They were trapped!

3 God told Moses to lift his staff. The deep waters parted and the people crossed over. But the waters closed over the Egyptian soldiers.

4 The people praised God and continued on their long journey through the desert. God provided them food and drink, as much as they needed. He guided them with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

5 And God gave His people commandments to live by, to teach them how to honor God and to live holy lives. He wrote these Ten Commandments on 2 stone tablets.

6 The Lord showed them how to build a Tabernacle, to honor Him and to be a reminder to them of His glory, love, and power.

7 And when the Tabernacle was finished, the Lord filled it with His glory, in a cloud by day and with fire at night, for all the people to see!

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