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Balance Rehabilitation using the Korebalance ™ System.

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Presentation on theme: "Balance Rehabilitation using the Korebalance ™ System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance Rehabilitation using the Korebalance ™ System

2 Introductory screen, the “Splash Screen.” Simply touch the screen to advance the screen to the Home Screen = touch the screen here

3 Home screen - Simply touch any of the icons to move into one of the selected areas.

4 Test screen - Simply touch any of the icons to move into either the Static Test or Dynamic Test.

5 Static Test screen

6 Test screen - Simply touch any of the icons to move into either the Static Test or Dynamic Test.

7 Dynamic Test screen

8 Protocol screen – Touch the icon to move into the Protocol section

9 Protocol screen – Touch the Basic Balance icon to move into the detailed protocol section

10 Games screen – Touch the icon to move into the Games section

11 KBScore! – 2 dimensional balance training activity

12 Neverball – 3 dimensional, virtual reality, training activities

13 Result screen – Touch the icon to move into the Results section to review patient data

14 Detailed Results screen – Touch the result that you would like to see the detailed information and graphic display

15 Detailed patient test results page

16 Administration screen – Touch the icon to move into the Administration section

17 Calibration is typical the biggest reason for accessing the Administration Section. It is recommended that the Korebalance be calibrated once per month.

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