International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome

2 Jenni Murray & Kristin Sargeant Learning from the Mouse Reflections on how North American approaches to Orientation can be applied in a UK context University of Edinburgh Student Pre-arrival and Induction Team

3 Overview Setting the context Who we are Our focus: Pre-arrival and new student induction The North American approach to orientation How we have applied this approach Assessing the impact Questions

4 Who are we? Pre-arrival & Induction (PAI) team

5 The North American Context Orientation Professionals Institute (OPI) Jenni’s Reflections

6 What we brought back

7 Assessing the impact… student feedback 94% 2014 More than 2/3 of the UG and PG respondents say that they feel they belong to the 'University of Edinburgh' after their Welcome Week. Best thing about starting uni?: “Meeting new people, making new friends, pursuing interests and being challenged by academics. This, the university does very well.”

8 Assessing the impact… staff feedback The team is great and I have been impressed by the effect they have had on improving induction. As a Student Support Team we feel better able to deliver a more professional, student-focused service for our first years. [At Gearing Up I liked]…the student involvement; excellent organisation; great key note; inspiring break-outs; overall came away feeling enthused and energized

9 Questions? Contact us by email: You are all invited to join us after this session for networking with the “Edinburgh Induction/Transition Networking Group”

10 References Booher, Steve. 'Lessons From The Mouse: Utilising And Applying Some Of Walt Disney's Philosophies To Your Orientation Program'. 2014. Presentation. NODA, Association for Orientation, Transition, Retention in Higher Education. Orientation Planning Manual. 2014 ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2014. Print. NODA - Association for Orientation, Transition and Retention in Higher Education: Snow, Dennis. Lessons From The Mouse. Orlando, Florida: Snow & Associates, Inc., 2010. Print. Ward-Roof, Jeanine A. Designing Successful Transitions. Columbia, SC: National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2010. Print.

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