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Imaginative Response S2 Homework Task - November.

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Presentation on theme: "Imaginative Response S2 Homework Task - November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imaginative Response S2 Homework Task - November

2 Checklist Section A Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Answer questions Read a summary Produce a summary Section B Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Create a character Write a short paragraph Explain “Key Event” Section C Creating character, Theme, and Key Event Write at length using my own imagination Activity 1 Using imagination

3 Learning Intentions: I can summarise a piece of non-fiction writing using my own words as far as possible. LIT 3-24a LIT 3-14a LIT 3-26a LIT 3-31a Curriculum for Excellence ‘Experiences and Outcomes’ My characters are interesting and convincing. I have followed the requirements of the task. I have organised my ideas sensibly.

4 Section A – Writing a Summary

5 There are 3 activities to complete in Section A.

6 This month we are looking at how we understand and respond imaginatively to books. Section A - Activity 1 Write down why you think that being able to use your imagination is important. Use this template to help you: I think being able to use my own imagination is important because ___________ _________________________________________________________________. My imagination lets me travel to places I have never been, like ______________ or ____________. When I use my imagination, I can see pictures things in my mind, such as _______________________________. If I didn’t have my imagination, then I wouldn’t be able to _________________________________. These are just some of the reasons I wouldn’t want to be without my imagination.

7 Read the following slides carefully.

8 A summary gives a short outline, or the main points, of something longer. What is a Summary?

9 Summary How to Write a Summary Summarizing uses your own words to explain the main points in a passage.... What you have to do: Reread the passage, picking out a few keywords. Explain the main idea of the passage in your own words. Make sure that you use quotation marks around any words that you copy from the passage.quotation marks

10 Example of a Summary PASSAGE: Introducing the Scottish Highlands and Islands The mountains of Scotland come in various shapes. There are the green friendly fells of Perthshire, where the great River Tummel winds idly in its oak tree gorge and salmon flash in the pools of Killiecrankie. There are the grim crags of Glencoe – oppressive and even scary on days of low cloud, wind and beating rain. When the clouds do lift and the sun comes out, it's still oppressive and scary because you can see just how high they go. SUMMARY: Scotland has many mountains which come in many shapes and sizes. Scotland is also home to lots of beautiful scenery – whether in the sun or pouring rain. From Killiecrankie to Glencoe, every visitor is sure to find something to see.

11 Section A - Activity 2 Read the following passage: The best thing about the weather in Scotland is that whatever you write about it will probably be true at some point in the year. And it’s all because of where Scotland is – sticking out into the North Atlantic. You could think of the skies above Scotland it as a battlefield, where the prevailing south-westerlies with their mild airs meet the more stable air of the continental land mass. The resultant mix means the weather in Scotland never gets very warm or very cold. It’s just a cool temperate climate. Ho-hum. Best pack a light waterproof, just in case. Especially if you are heading to the West Highlands. Oh, unless the forecast is for an east wind, in spring. In this case, the west will be dry. You see what I mean? Even explaining the weather in Scotland can be very complicated. How my heart used to sink when I had to write those earnest descriptions of Scotland weather for promotional area guidebooks. I used to catch myself writing the word ‘moisture’ instead of ‘rain’ because it somehow sounded, well, drier. But you can't blame Scotland's tourism industry for not wanting to dwell on the weather in Scotland because – and there’s no way I can say this gently – it definitely rains a lot in some parts of Scotland, especially in the west. Time it wrong and an Atlantic weather front will slice the tops of those soaring mountains, and a grey wet curtain and a wind off the sea may make you seek recreation indoors. The upbeat part is that if you expect the worst, then, when the weather in Scotland shows signs of improving, you can relax and enjoy the glorious interplay of cloud and light, and the mist rising on the crags, and all that stuff. Oops. I knew I would break out in brochure-speak at some point.

12 Section A - Activity 3 Now make a summary of the passage you have just read: Fill in the table below; link an idea with key words from the passage: Main IdeaKey Word/Phrase

13 End of Section A

14 Section B – Thinking about: Theme Character Key Event

15 There are 3 activities to complete in Section B.

16 Theme

17 What is Theme? The main idea or ideas explored by a piece of literature.

18 Themes – some examples: Change versus Tradition Escape Good versus Evil Love Pride Loneliness Growing Up Selfishness

19 Section B - Activity 1 Write down one theme from your favourite book. Now write an introduction to a story of your own which has the same theme as your favourite book. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

20 Character

21 What is a Character: An imaginary person in a story.

22 What Makes Up a Character? Appearance Looks Dresses Actions What the character does/does not do What others in the story do to the main character Good Characters are: Believable Consistent Multi-dimensional (not stereotyped – like a pirate, a soldier, a spaceman, etc.) Memorable Grow or change over time Thoughts and Conversation What the character says/feels What other characters say about the character

23 Key Event

24 Key Event: An important moment in a story which builds excitement, tension and/or suspense, etc.

25 Key Event Example In another moment I had scrambled up the earthen rampart and stood upon its crest, and the interior of the redoubt was below me. A mighty space it was, with gigantic machines here and there within it, huge mounds of material and strange shelter places. And scattered about it, some in their overturned war-machines, some in the now rigid handling-machines, and a dozen of them stark and silent and laid in a row, were the Martians – dead! – slain by the putrefactive and disease bacteria against which their systems were unprepared; slain as the red weed was being slain; slain, after all man's devices had failed, by the humblest things that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this earth. The torment was over. Even that day the healing would begin. The survivors of the people scattered over the country – leaderless, lawless, foodless, like sheep without a shepherd – the thousands who had fled by sea, would begin to return; the pulse of life, growing stronger and stronger, would beat again in the empty streets and pour across the vacant squares. Whatever destruction was done, the hand of the destroyer was stayed. All the gaunt wrecks, the blackened skeletons of houses that stared so dismally at the sunlit grass of the hill, would presently be echoing with the hammers of the restorers and ringing with the tapping of their trowels. At the thought I extended my hands towards the sky and began thanking God. In a year, thought I – in a year... With overwhelming force came the thought of myself, of my wife, and the old life of hope and tender helpfulness that had ceased for ever.

26 Section B - Activity 3 The previous passage is an excerpt from H. G. Wells’ classic tale of a Martian invasion of Earth, The War of the Worlds. The passage contains a key event which effects how the novel ends. Questions for Reflection: Q.: What is the key event in the passage? A.: I think the key event in the passage is ______________________. Q.: Where exactly in the passage does the key event happen? A.: “_____________________”. (QUOTE – copy EXACTLY.) Q.: Why is this key event important? A.: I think the key event in the passage is important because _______________________________________________________.

27 Section B - Activity 3 Explain what where how Why a key event is important in a novel you have read. I think the key event in a novel I have read is important because _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________.

28 End of Section B

29 Section C – Write your Imaginative Response

30 There is 1 activity to complete in Section C.

31 Section C - Activity 1 Thinking about everything that you have learned so far, you will be writing a short story of at least one page. Your writing should be from your own imagination. Your story should include: Character Theme Key Event

32 End of Section C End of November Homework

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