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Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System

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1 Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System
Pharmacology Bill Diehl-Jones RN, PhD Faculty of Nursing and Department of Zoology

2 Agenda A Zen Review Overview of CNS and ANS
Neurotransmitters and 2nd Messengers Cholinergic Agonists and Antagonists Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists Movement Disorder Drugs

3 Organization of the Nervous System: CNS
Three divisions of brain: Forebrain cerebral hemispheres Midbrain Corpora quadrigemini, tegmentum, cerebral peduncles Hindbrain Cerebellum, pons, medulla Brainstem: Midbrain, medulla, pons Connects cerebrum, cerebeluum, spinal cord

4 Organization of the Nervous System: Reticular Activating System
Key Regulatory Functions: CV, respiratory systems Wakefulness Clinical Link: Disturbances in the RAS are linked to sleep-wake disturbances Radiation Fibres Thalamus Visual Inputs Reticular Formation Ascending Sensory Tracts

5 Organization of the Peripheral Nervous System
Three major divisions: Efferent Somatic (motor) Autonomic Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Afferent Sensory

6 Some Basic Plumbing: The Peripheral Nervous System
Sensory Motor Sympathetic Parasympathetic

7 Preganglionic Nerves Sympathetic Parasympathetic Sympathetic AND Parasympathetic preganglionic fibres release Acetylcholine (ACh) ACh has two types of receptors: Muscarinic and Nicotinic Postganglionic nerves have Nicotinic receptors ACh

8 Postganglionic Nerves
Sympathetic Parasympathetic Sympathetics release Norepinephrine Parasympathetics release ACh Norepinephrine binds to adrenergic receptors ACh binds to Muscarinic receptors ACh NE

9 What Happens at the Effectors?
NE from postganglionic sympathetics binds to Adrenergic Receptors ACh from postganglionic parasympathetics binds to Muscarinic Receptors NE ACh Adrenergic Receptor Muscarinic Receptor Sympathetic Parasympathetic

10 Cholinergic Neurons Na+ Choline Ca++  Receptor Acetylation
Acetylcholinesterase Receptor

11 Cholinergic Receptors
Muscarinic receptors come in 5 flavours M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 Found in different locations Research is on-going to identify specific agonists and antagonists Nicotinic receptors come in 1 flavour

12 Cholinergic Agonists Acetylcholine Bethanechol Carbachol Pilocarpine

13 General Effects of Cholinergic Agonists
Decrease heart rate and cardiac output Decrease blood pressure Increases GI motility and secretion Pupillary constriction

14 Cholinergic Antagonists
Antimuscarinic agents Atropine, ipratropium Ganglion blockers nicotine Neuromuscular blockers Vecuronium, tubocuarine, pancuronium

15 Where are some of these drugs used?

16 Atropine (a cholinergic antagonist)
Comes from Belladonna High affinity for muscarinic receptors Causes “mydriasis” (dilation of the pupil) and “cycloplegia” Useful for eye exams, tmt of organophosphate poisoning, antisecretory effects Side effects?

17 Scopalamine (also a cholinergic antagonist)
Also from Belladonna Peripheral effects similar to atropine More CNS effects: Anti-motion sickness amnesiac

18 Trimethaphan (yet another cholinergic antagonist)
Competitive nicotinic ganglion blocker Used to lower blood pressure in emergencies

19 Neuromuscular Blockers
Look like acetylcholine Either work as antagonists or agonists Two flavours: Non-depolarizing (antagonist) Eg: tubocurarine Block ion channels at motor end plate Depolarizing (agonist) Eg: succinylcholine Activates receptor

20 Turbocurarine Used during surgery to relax muscles
Increase safety of anaesthetics Do not cross blood-brain barrier ACh Na+ Curare Nicotinic Receptor Na+ Channel

21 Succinylcholine Uses: Problem: can cause apnea
endotracheal intubations What is this? Why? electroconvulsive shock therapy Problem: can cause apnea Na+ - - - - - - + + + + + + + Phase I Na+ + + + + + + - - - - - - Phase II

22 Adrenergic Neurons Na+ Tyrosine Ca++  Receptor Dopa MAO Dopamine
Dopamine is converted to epinephrine Receptor

23 Word of the Day: SYMPATHOMIMETIC
Adrenergic drug which acts directly on adrenergic receptor, activating it

24 Adrenergic Agonists Direct Indirect Mixed Albuterol Dobutamine
Dopamine Isoproteranol Indirect Amphetamine Mixed Ephidrine

25 Adrenergic Receptors Two Families: Alpha affinity: Beta affinity:
Alpha and Beta Based on affinity to adrenergic agonists Alpha affinity: epinephrine≥norepinephrine>> isoproteranol Beta affinity: Isoproteranol>epinephrine> norepinephrine Epinephrine Norepinephrine Isoproteranol Isoproteranol Epinephrine Norepinephrine

26 What do these receptors do?
Alpha 1 Vasoconstriction, ↑ BP, ↑ tonus sphincter muscles Alpha 2 Inhibit norepinephrine, insulin release Beta 1 Tachycardia, ↑ lipolysis, ↑ myocardial contractility Beta 2 Vasodilation, bronchodilation, ↓insulin release

27 Adrenergic Angonists Direct acting:
Epinephrine: interacts with both alpha and beta Low dose: mainly beta effects (vasodilation) High dose: alpha effects (vasoconstriction) Therapeutic uses: emerg tmt of asthma, glaucoma, anaphyslaxis (what about terbutaline?)

28 Adrenergic Agonists Indirect: Cause NE release only Example:
Amphetamine CNS stimulant Increases BP by alpha effect on vasculature, beta effect on heart

29 Mixed-Action Causes NE release AND stimulates receptor Example:
Ephedrine: What type of drug? Alpha and beta stimulant Use: asthma, nasal sprays slower action

30 Adrenergic Antagonists
Alpha blockers Eg: Prazosin Selective alpha 1 blocker Tmt: hypertension relaxes arterial and venous smooth muscle Causes “first dose” response (what is this?)

31 Adrenergic Antagonists
Beta Blockers Example: Propranolol Non-selective (blocks beta 1 and beta 2) Effects: ↓ cardiac output, vasodilation, bronchoconstriction

32 Adrenergic Antagonists
Eg: Atenolol, Metoprolol Preferentially block beta 1; no beta effects (why is this good?) Partial Agonists: Pindolol, acebutolol Weakly stimulate beta 1 and beta 2 Causes less bradycardia

33 Adrenergic Antagonists
Eg: Nadolol Nonselective beta blocker Used for glaucoma Eg: Labetolol Alpha AND beta blocker Used in treating PIH

34 Drugs that Affect Uptake/Release
Eg: Cocaine Blocks Na+/K+ ATPase Prevents reuptake of epinephrine/norepinephrine

35 Treatment of Movement Disorders

36 What Regulates Movement?
Basal Ganglia are involved

37 Example: Parkinsons’s Disease
Symptoms ?

38 FRONTAL SECTION OF BRAIN Sherwood, 2001 p 145
Refer to enlargement in notes CEREBRUM –is the largest portion of the brain, divided into 2 halves R & L hemispheres, which are connected to each other by the corpus calosum – which allows a constant exchange of info b/w the 2 halves. Each hemisphere is composed of a thin outer shell of gray matter which is the cerebral cortex which covers a thick central core of white matter. It is deep within this white matter that the basal nuclei are located. Gray matter = computers to the CNS White matter= wires that connect the computers to each other BASAL GANGLIA- are the deep nuclei comprised of gray matter structures, that lie beneath the cerebral cortex, surrounding the thalamus and hypothalamus SUBCORTICAL STRUCTURES- include Basal nuclei in the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus - form a complex relationship with the cortex in higher brain function

39 Role of basal ganglia: BASAL GANGLIA cont’d
1. Inhibit muscle tone throughout the body 2. Select & maintain purposeful motor activity while suppressing useless/unwanted patterns of movement 3. Coordination of slow, sustained movements (especially those related to posture & support) 4. Help regulate activity of the cerebral cortex – system doesn’t influence movement thru spinal cord pathways but rather acts as part of FB loops to all areas of cortex with primary input to motor areas. -A balance b/w excitatory & inhibitory NTs is required for smooth, purposeful movement -The BG do not directly influence the efferent motor neurons that bring about muscle contraction, but instead act by modifying ongoing activity in motor pathways. They accomplish this task by receiving and sending out information, as seen by the numerous fibers that link them to other regions of the brain. BG play a complex role in the control of movement. May have other nonmotor functions that are less understood.

40 Feedback loops - complex
BASAL GANGLIA SYSTEM Feedback loops - complex - form direct & indirect pathways balance excitatory & inhibitory activities Neurotransimitters: Excitatory - ACh Inhibitory - dopamine glutamate GABA Summary of the key features involved in BG system

41 DOPAMINE major NT regulating subconscious movements of skeletal muscles majority located in the terminals of pathway stretching from the neuronal cell bodies in SNc to the striatum generally inhibits the function of striatal neurons & striatal outputs when dopamine production is , a chemical imbalance occurs affecting movement, balance and gait The dopaminergic system appears to have an underlying influence on motor activity excites the direct pathway, inhibits the indirect pathway Each dopaminergic neuron makes thousands of synaptic contacts with the striatum and therefore modulates the activity of a large number of cells

Major pathological features: 1. Death of dopamine producing cells in the SNc leads to overactivation of the indirect pathway 2. Presence of Lewy bodies –small eosinophilic inclusions found in the neurons of SNc Results in:- degeneration of the nigrostriatal pathway - decreased thalamic excitation of the motor cortex 1. Loss of projection in the striatum, decreased D1 receptors Why they die ? Is unkown possible causes next slide 2 Lewy bodies ? Mechanism leading to their formation, but their presence always signifies neuronal degeneration and nerve cell loss, PD can’t occur without them being present in some of the degenerating nerve cells (Gibb,’92) -80% of dopaminergic neurons are lost before clinical S&S appear (Conely & Kirchner, ’99) -Normal BG Fxn requires a balance B/W E and inhib acitivity, symptoms occur d/t imbalance -The lack of Dopamine in BG and excess of ACh lead to hypertonia, tremor, rigidity If the thalamus is inhibited too much, the cortical motor system is supressed

43 4. Drug of Choice: LEVODOPA
Why is it used? - virtually all pt’s with PD show a response to levodopa - improves quality of life - in use since 1960’s - easy to administer (non-invasive) - relatively inexpensive - useful in diagnosing PD Mechanism of action: is a precursor to dopamine helps restore the balance of dopamine in striatum –most effective in combo with Carbidopa ( ’s levodopa’s peripheral conversion to dopamine) Despite > 25 yr in use, Action still not fully understood, believed to be decarboxylated… is a dopamine precursor Levodopa is the only example in clinical neurology of a successful correlation of a Nerotransmitter effect via po replacement therapy _ Debate re: timing of initiation of TX ? Wait until Sx are worse to delay use Disadvantages: -occur with long term use – motor complications, dyskinesia in 30 % of pts after 2 yr tx – may be as high as 50 –90% after 5 – 10 yrs tx Why? – one theory – as PD progresses, remaining dop neurons develop a decreased ability to store dop, & thus, rely more on exogenous dopa ON/OFF syndrome Side effects: CNS-nightmares, aggression, invol movemt, body jerks, GI dry mouth, constipation,EENT blurred vision, excessv salivation = a narrow therapeutic window

Pharmacological: Dopamine agonists: ie. Bromocriptine or pergolide mesylate Selective inhibitor of type B monoamine oxidase: ie.Selegiline Antivirals: ie. Amantadine Anticholinergics: ie. Trihexyphenidyl COMT inhibitors: ie. Entacapone TX often determined according to age stimulates dop receptors, longer acting, ? Neuro protective thru antioxidant effects, ? Slow progression of PD, may be used as monotherapy of adjunctive antivirals – most effective with more prominent akinesia or ridgidity, often used in early PD most effective with prominent tremor COMT – inhibits the COMT enzyme that breaks down levodopa, may increase CNS delivery of dopamine, may also provide a more controlled concentraion of levodopa, decreases pulsativity Further research re: meds is needed

45 Pallidotomy & Thalotomy:
APPROACHES cont’d Surgical: Pallidotomy & Thalotomy: microelectrode destruction of specific site in the basal ganglia Deep brain stimulation: electrode implantation with external pacemaker Fetal nigral transplantation: Implantation of embryonic dopaminergic neurons into the substantia nigra for growth and supply of dopamine Surgical TX has been around since the 1930’s Main goal: suppress sympt, by modifying the pathophsiological process behind the sympt, or restoring N physio at least in part, does not provide a cure. , may compliment drug TX Effects depend on the method used and target chosen in the brain Controversy re: timing ; usually reserved for those whose symptoms are severe, & meds no longer effective Usually uses a thermalcoagulation method of destruction, usu unilateral,( bilat – risk speech/cognitive prob) may have a 50% in rigidity, bradyinesia off time, dyskinesia, & tremor – may last 6 mos – 4 yrs (Lyons&Keller, 01) Thalotomy – lesion at thalamus- helps regulate tremor 2. Inhibits activity in brain area being stimulated, applies a technique that was developed for cardiac pts, provides continual stimulation, is adjustable, reversible, FDA approved for the thalamus only, most effectv with tremor, dykinesia symptoms from 50 –90%, effects may last > 10 yrs Adv: little tissue destrution 3.Around since the 1980’s, + results seen up to 10 yrs post, problem ++ ethical concerns – uses fetal tissue from aborted fetuses, need 3-5 donars / hemisphere – studies being done on the use of porcine neurons ? Stem cell research Problems with surgery: only 100 surgeon worldwide able to perform these procedures (Harshaw,00), ++$$$, availabitlity, risk

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