Morea Christenson Jordan Milliman Trent Comer Barbara Twohy Jessica HuberAlli Wright AJ LeCompte Instructional Model Problem Based Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Morea Christenson Jordan Milliman Trent Comer Barbara Twohy Jessica HuberAlli Wright AJ LeCompte Instructional Model Problem Based Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morea Christenson Jordan Milliman Trent Comer Barbara Twohy Jessica HuberAlli Wright AJ LeCompte Instructional Model Problem Based Learning

2 “Problem-based learning aims at helping students perform in real-life situations and learn important adult roles.” Common In-School Learning Process Out of School Learning Process  Focus on individual performance  Unaided thought process  Cultivates symbolic thinking regarding hypothetical situations  Focuses on general skills (reading, writing, and computing)  Involves collaboration with others  Involves cognitive tools such as computers calculators, and other scientific instruments  Engages individuals directly with concrete, real objects and situations  Involves situation-specific thinking, such as whether to buy or lease a new car

3 Special Features of Problem Based Learning (PBL)  Question or problem  Question or problem –organizes instruction around socially important, personally meaningful questions/ problems  Combines subjects  Combines subjects –solutions require application of knowledge from different areas of study  Life-applicable investigations  Life-applicable investigations –real solutions to real problems; define, hypothesize, analyze information, draw conclusions  Artifacts and exhibits  Artifacts and exhibits –reports, physical model, video, computer program, Web-site, etc.; alternative methods of demonstrating knowledge to peers; non-traditional.  Collaboration  Collaboration –pair and small group learning; enhances social skills; provides opportunities for shared inquiry.

4 Goals of PBL  Help students develop their thinking, problem solving, and intellectual skills  Learn adult roles by real and simulated situations  Become independent, autonomous learners

5 Planning for PBL work in pairs  Students work in pairs or small groups to investigate puzzling, real-life problems explained in detail  Procedures explained in detail before introducing materials or breaking into groups greater demand  Requires greater demand on classroom management because teachers can easily become overwhelmed

6 Criteria for PBL Situations PBL lessons are used to investigate important problems  Authentic:  Authentic: anchored in students' real world situations  Ill-defined:  Ill-defined: problems should pose a sense of mystery  Meaningful:  Meaningful: appropriate for level of intellectual development  Broad:  Broad: allows teachers to reach their instructional goals  Effort:  Effort: problem benefits from group interaction and toil

7 Conducting PBL Lessons Five Phases Phase Phase 1: Phase 1: Orient students to problem Phase 2: Phase 2: Organize students for study Phase 3: Phase 3: Assist independent and group investigation Phase 4: Phase 4: Develop and present artifacts and exhibits Phase 5: Phase 5: Analyze and evaluate the problem-solving process Teacher Behavior Review objectives, describe logistics, motivate students to engage in problem-solving activity Help students define, organize study tasks related to problem Encourage students to gather important info, conduct experiments and search for explanations, solution Assist students in planning, preparing appropriate artifacts (videos, reports) and help share their work with others Help students to reflect on their investigations and the processes they used

8 Adaption to PBL  Gifted or talented students  Disabled students  Ensure students are allotted enough time KEY  Facilitation is KEY

9 Management of PBL  Rules and routines  Multiple levels of learning  Cueing  Proper transitions  Monitor but do not overstep  Understand school wide procedures

10 Timing  Some students will finish earlier than peers  Create an environment that works for all students  Have alternate tasks for every student

11 Student Work  Clear stipulations for all students  Monitor progress  Develop ideas, do not formulate  Concrete procedures

12 Assessments Assessments should meet the following criteria: goals  Pertain to the goals of instruction.  Be reliable and valid.  Be more than just paper and pencil. Performance assessment and evaluation procedures are best.

13 Performance Assessment --Students perform what they have learned --Designed to test procedural knowledge Important features:  Includes several topics  Includes a variety of tasks  Takes several days to finish  Measures complex skills and processes  Can also be used to measure problem solving skills and group work

14 Theoretical and Empirical Supports John DeweyPiaget and Vygotsky Freir e Dewey -Classrooms should mirror larger society -Learning should be purposeful, not abstract -Students should pursue projects of their own interest Piaget and Vygotsky -Children are innately curious about the world -Children are actively involved in in the process of learning -New experiences force students to activate and modify prior knowledge to create new meaning -Learning is an active and social experience

15 Knowledge Deposit The Banking Model of Education Cognitive-Constructivist Model Knowledge Withdrawal Leakage Sense the Situation or Problem Interaction, Discussion, Collaboration Activate Prior Knowledge Regurgitation with little understanding or connection with the world New/modified knowledge New Meaning, New Ideas, A Different World This passive learning model teaches students to accept and adapt, not to interact and create Action on the world, rather than passive acceptance

16 “Please transition into your groups quietly.”

17 Debate Rules  No put downs  One person at a time talking  No two people from same side of argument talk in a row

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